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[Footnote 23: Böttiger refers to Campe’s work, “Ueber die Bereicherung und Reinigung der deutschen Sprache,” p.

I determined to seek for a situation by means of the Allgemeine Anzeiger der Deutschen, a paper then very much read, and I thought it would be good to send in to the editor, as a proof of my assertions of competency, an architectural design, and also a specimen of my work in practical surveying, together with explanations of both of them.

The fatherland of the Germans was not Suabia or Prussia, not Austria or Bavaria, it was the whole of Germany wherever the German tongue was spoken. From this Bismarck deliberately dissociated himself. "I have never heard," he said, "a Prussian soldier singing, 'Was ist des Deutschen Vaterland?" The new flag of Germany was to be the German tricolour, black and white and gold.

They are described by Rabutaux, op. cit., pp. 90 et seq. L'Année Sociologique, seventh year, 1904, p. 440. Bloch, Der Ursprung der Syphilis. As regards the German "Frauenhausen" see Max Bauer, Das Geschlechtsleben in der Deutschen Vergangenheit, pp. 133-214.

In connection with Wezel’s occupation with Sterne and Sterne products in Germany, it is interesting to consider his poem: “Die unvermuthete Nachbarschaft. Ein Gespräch,” which was the second in a volume of three poems entitledEpistel an die deutschen Dichter,” the name of the first poem, and published in Leipzig in 1775.

A model of this station is preserved in the Deutschen Museum at Munich. In the bulletin of the Berlin Electricity Works for May, 1908, it is said with regard to the events that led up to the creation of the system, as noted already at the Rathenau celebration: "The year 1881 was a mile-stone in the history of the Allgemeine Elektricitaets Gesellschaft.

What was done more or less in secret is now proclaimed on the housetops, and the result, as might be expected, is in many ways interesting and instructive.* * Die Jesuiten an den deutschen Furstenhofen des 16ten Jahrhunderts. Auf Grund ungedruckter Quellen. Von Bernhard Duhr, S. J., Freiburg im Breisgau, 1901.

And all Germany is something more than the German Empire, which in certain respects is only a book-keeper, an adjuster of differences. "Was ist des Deutschen Vaterland? Ist's Preussenland? Ist's Schwabenland? Ist's wo am Rhein die Rebe blüht? Ist's wo am Belt die Möve zieht? O nein! O nein! O nein! Sein Vaterland muss grösser sein. "Des ganze Deutschland soil es sein!

This transitional Europe, and not mediæval Europe, was the Europe which lasted on until the eighteenth century, and which practically came to an end with the French Revolution. The authorities for the above data may be found in Janssen, i., vol. i., bk. iii., especially pp. 330-46. Zur Geschichte der deutschen Gesellenverbände. Leipzig, 1876. C. 1/5d.

Also Meitzen, "Das Agrar-und Forst-Wesen, die Allmenden und die Landgemeinden der Deutschen Schweiz," in Jahrbuch fur Staatswissenschaft, 1880, iv. The wedding gifts, which often substantially contribute in this country to the comfort of the young households, are evidently a remainder of the communal habits.