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It is held by many authorities, however, that minor mental troubles, of a more or less vague character, as well as neurasthenia and hysteria, are by no means infrequently due to sexual abstinence. The whole subject of sexual abstinence has been discussed at length by Nyström, of Stockholm, in Das Geschlechtsleben und seine Gesetze, Ch.

They are described by Rabutaux, op. cit., pp. 90 et seq. L'Année Sociologique, seventh year, 1904, p. 440. Bloch, Der Ursprung der Syphilis. As regards the German "Frauenhausen" see Max Bauer, Das Geschlechtsleben in der Deutschen Vergangenheit, pp. 133-214.

See, e.g., the previous volume of these Studies, "Sexual Selection in Man," pp. 165 et seq., and Dühren, Geschlechtsleben in England, bd. ii, pp. 258, et seq.

On the frequency of bestiality, from one cause or another, in the East, see, e.g., Stern, Medizin und Geschlechtsleben in der Türkei, bd. ii, p. 219. For an example of the primitive confusion between the intercourse of women with animals and with men see, e.g., Boas, "Sagen aus British-Columbia," Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, heft V, p. 558.

There are some authorities indeed who believe that, whether or not any conscious sexual desire is present, sexual abstinence is less easily tolerated by women than by men. Nyström is of the same opinion, though he thinks that women bear sexual abstinence better than men, and has discussed this special question at length in a section of his Geschlechtsleben und seine Gesetze.