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"I have often wondered if Cygnus was not the favorite of papists, Dr. Bryant." "Ah I it never occurred to me before, but, since you mention it, I doubt not they are partial to it. How many superstitious horrors are infused into childish brains by nurses and nursery traditions!

Her white, rayless face was a mockery to the night. The same was true of the stars. The dazzling canopy was faded out, and Cygnus and the Great Bear were subdued to pallid points, like patches of white-gray paper stuck upon a wall.

The Mellon is ripe and climbing Jakob's ladder. And both of them playing Follow the Leda. And where were they heading? Toward some destination in the general direction of the constellation Cygnus. The transformation equations work fine on an interstellar ship. Would they work on a man? Wouldn't it be nice to be able to transform yourself into a swan? Cygnus the Swan.

Miss Agnes M. Clerke made the striking remark that the dusky lanes in M8 are exemplified on the largest scale in the great rift dividing the Milky Way, from Cygnus in the northern hemisphere all the way to the ``Cross'' in the southern.

Cygnus immutabilis. Cygnus olor, white young of. Cyllo Leda, instability of the ocellated spots of. Cynanthus, variation in the genus. Cynipidae, proportion of the sexes in. Cynocephalus, difference of the young from the adult; male, recognition of women by; polygamous habits of species of. Cynocephalus babouin. Cynocephalus chacma. Cynocephalus gelada.

It seems to be incapable of developing save under galactic conditions. All the stars marked by it lie near the central line of the Milky Way, or in the Magellanic Clouds. They tend also to gather into groups. Circles of four degrees radius include respectively seven in Argo, eight in Cygnus. The first spectroscopic star catalogue was published by Dr. Vogel at Potsdam in 1883.

With the greatest pleasure, he said, and proceeded to wheel the ponderous dome, and then to adjust the instrument, I think to the one in Andromeda, or that in Cygnus, but I should not know one of them from the other. How beautiful! she said as she looked at the wonderful object. One is orange red and one is emerald green.

It will be noticed that the bright mass near the centre of the plate is tunnelled with dark holes and furrowed by dusky lanes. Such interruptions recur perpetually in the Milky Way. They are exemplified on the largest scale in the great rift dividing it into two branches all the way from Cygnus to Crux; and they are reproduced in miniature in many clusters. Mr.

Cuvier, G., on the number of caudal vertebrae in the mandrill; on instinct and intelligence; views of, as to the position of man; on the position of the seals; on Hectocotyle. Cyanalcyon, sexual difference in colours of; immature plumage of. Cyanecula suecica, sexual differences of. Cychrus, sounds produced by. Cycnia mendica, sexual difference of, in colour. Cygnus ferus, trachea of.

By its means stars estimated as of the sixteenth magnitude clearly recorded their presence and their places; and the enormous increase of knowledge involved may be judged of from the fact that, in a space of the Milky Way in Cygnus15' by 3°, where 170 stars had been mapped by the old laborious method, about five thousand stamped their images on a single Henry plate.