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Updated: August 2, 2024

This, after all, was not piracy that was being proposed. It was honourable employment in the service of the King of France. "I will consult my officers," he said; and he sent for them. They came and the matter was laid before them by M. de Cussy himself. Hagthorpe announced at once that the proposal was opportune.

Refuse us that, and you cancel the articles; cancel the articles, and you cancel our services with them. From that moment we cease to have the honour to hold rank in the navies of the King of France." There was more than a murmur of approval from his three captains. Rivarol glared at them, checkmated. "In effect..." M. de Cussy was beginning timidly.

"And I understand they grow restive in idleness." "They may go to the devil when they please." M. de Cussy took snuff delicately. "I have something better than that to propose," said he. "Propose it, then," said Blood, without interest. M. de Cussy looked at M. d'Ogeron, and raised his eyebrows a little. He did not find Captain Blood encouraging.

De Cussy, in Hispaniola, led an expedition of 1000 men, many of them filibusters, against St. Jago de los Cavalleros in the interior of the island, and took and burnt the town. In revenge the Spaniards, supported by an English fleet which had just driven the French from St.

De Cussy visited all parts of the colony, and by tact, patience and politic concessions succeeded in restoring order.

Before going further, I have to observe that M. de Cussy has exceeded his instructions in admitting you to one fifth of the prizes taken. His authority did not warrant his going beyond one tenth." "That is a matter between yourself and M. de Cussy, my General." "Oh, no. It is a matter between myself and you." "Your pardon, my General. The articles are signed.

He had left behind him at Cartagena not only the empty-handed buccaneers, whom he had swindled, but also M. de Cussy and the volunteers and negroes from Hispaniola, whom he had swindled no less.

Especially after the Treaty of Utrecht there was a recrudescence of piracy both in the West Indies and in the East, and it was ten years or more thereafter before the freebooters were finally suppressed. Paine was sent from Jamaica under arrest to Governor de Cussy in 1684, and thence was shipped on a frigate to France. Nat., Nouv.

Decrees are passed on the 18th of July accusing Coustard, on the 28th of July against Gensonne, La Source, Vergniaud, Mollevaut, Gardien, Grangeneuve, Fauchet, Boilleau, Valaze, Cussy, Meillan; each being aware that the tribunal before which he must appear is the waiting room to the guillotine.

But at the same time I will remind M. le Baron that my buccaneers number eight hundred; your troops five hundred; and M. de Cussy will inform you of the interesting fact that any one buccaneer is equal in action to at least three soldiers of the line. I am perfectly frank with you, monsieur, to save time and hard words.

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