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These three objects the captain attained, but the last of them did not turn out quite to his satisfaction. Among the faces of "dependientes" and "criados," hers was not to be seen; and the triumphant look of the victorious leader, as soon as he had ridden past, changed to a gloomy expression of disappointment.

DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Oh! lo que es por eso ... en estando a tu lado ... y la ventaja de no tener criados que nos murmuren, ni sibaritas que nos importunen con sus visitas.... DON EDUARDO. ¿Qué habíamos de tener? DOÑA MATILDE. Disfrutando en cambio de independencia y de tranquilidad. DON EDUARDO. Por supuesto.

When we were all accounted for in the porch, Don Ricardo began to shout, "Criados, criados, ven aca pendejos, ven aca!" the call was for some time unattended to; at length, two tall, good looking, decently dressed negroes made their appearance, and took charge of our bestias and carriage; but all this time there was no appearance by any living creature belonging to the family.

BRUNO. Bueno, iré; pero lo mismo me ha dicho usted en otras ocasiones, y luego la tal felicidad se vuelve agua de borrajas. DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Bruno! BRUNO. Iré, iré, no hay que atufarse por eso. DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Estos criados antiguos, que nos han visto nacer, se toman siempre unas libertades!... DON EDUARDO. En justo pago de las cometas que nos han hecho, o de las muñecas que nos han arrullado.