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Most of the men spent their time on the upper deck, and one whole company was quartered there. At night, after 8 o'clock, Col. Comba authorized the men to sleep on deck, and there was always a rush, when the ship's bell struck the hour, for good places on the quarter-deck. The only thing that made the voyage endurable was the good weather which prevailed.

Game abounds, by report. Europeans are subject to complaints of the eyes, and occasionally to fever. Any vessel running in should be very careful, for the charts are defective, and Boele Comba reef is said to project farther to the westward of the fort than laid down. "I here subjoin a list of our barometric observations, the upper barometer reduced to the rate of the lower and standard one:

It seemed that the work had been accomplished none too soon, for on the morning of June 7th orders came to the Cherokee to leave the slip and proceed down the bay. There were on board at this time, beside the little Gatling Gun Detachment, the 17th Infantry, under command of Col. Haskell, and a battalion of the 12th Infantry, under command of Col. Comba, who was the senior officer on board.

Comba ordered out the band of the 17th Infantry and the good ship fled up the bay, in momentary expectation of a smashing shot from the enemy, to the strains of "There'll be a hot time." What little excitement there was displayed itself in a feverish searching of the bay with field-glasses for signs of the enemy.

Lumpu Balong Peak, 22d December. Bar. 1. 30.146 89.5 90.5 2h 0m P.M. 2. 23.718 64 63.5 2h 30m " 28th. Leaving Boele Comba after breakfast, we shaped our course for Point Berak. "With the richest country, the natives of these places are poor, and they bear no good-will to their rulers.

His record is also that of a brave and capable officer. Captain Comba is on recruiting service at Pittsburg, Pa. He is within two files of the rank of major, and in the usual course of events will be promoted to that grade within a year or two. Captain Sanno is stationed at Fort McKinney, Wyoming, and Captain Williams at Fort Laramie, Wyoming.

The soldiers, although the scene was an intensely exciting one, were cool, self-reliant, and shot to kill. Many an Indian was cut down at such short range that his flesh and clothing were burned by the powder from their rifles. Comba and Sanno first struck the camp at the apex of the V, and delivered a melting fire on the Indians as they poured from the teepees.

Captains Comba, Williams, Browning, and Sanno, used their Springfields with telling effect and put many a bullet where it would do the most good. Lieutenant Jacobs was as swift as an eagle in search of his prey, and, with a revolver in each hand, dashed hither and thither hunting out the murderers from their hiding-places and shooting them down like dogs.

Dined with the Resident of Bonthian; by no means surprised that he and his congeners had failed in their attempt to climb the mountain: the resident is a native! In the evening, celebrated the day with all sorts of sports. "26th. Mid-day, quitted Bonthian, and ran to Boele Comba or Compa. "27th. I have little to say of Boele Comba. It is situated in the bight of the bay, eastward of Bonthian.

They were Capts. C. C. Rawn, Richard Comba, Geo. General Terry, speaking of this fight in his official report, says: "I think that no one can read this report from Colonel Gibbon without feelings of great admiration for him, for his officers, for his men, and for the citizen volunteers who fought with them; but with the admiration which their gallantry, resolution, and devotion excites, other feelings will mingle.