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Now to brew such Guile small Beer after the boiling water has stood in the Tub till it is clear, put in the Malt leisurely, and mash it that it does not Ball or Clot, then throw over some fresh Malt on the Top, and Cloths over that, and let it stand two Hours before it is drawn off, the next water may be between hot and cold, the next boiling hot, and the next Cold; or if conveniency allows not, there may be once scalding water, and all the rest cold instead of the last three.

It is the outward manifestation of a deep-seated disease that can usually be traced to an obstructed colon and consequent disordered circulation. The same causes promote apoplexy. A blood vessel is ruptured in the brain, causing a clot to form, which presses upon the nerves that convey the will of the mind to the muscles, thus stopping their action.

The chances." The doctor looked at her, considering whether she were a woman who could bear the truth. Her eyes assured him that she could. "I don't say he won't recover. It's this way," said he. "There's a clot somewhere on the brain. If it absorbs completely he may get well perfectly well." "And if it does not absorb?" "He may remain as he is, paralysed down the left side.

The next day I was taken back to Leeds in a state of absolute helplessness, and, being got to bed in my own house, had to remain there for nine mortal weeks. Some of the experiences of that time were curious. Phlebitis had set in, and for a time I was in serious danger from the formation of a clot of blood in one of the arteries.

He could steal and forage to perfection; he had an instinct that was positively gruesome for divining when work was to be done and for making a sneak accordingly; and for getting lost and not staying lost he was nothing short of inspired. But when it came to work, the way that intelligence dribbled out of him and left him a mere clot of wobbling, stupid jelly would make your heart bleed.

I shall wait up for you. You see, one of the most prominent physicians at the consultation diagnosed the trouble as a blood clot; another said it was an abscess, but I " "Don't tell me now, Doc. Don't spoil the story. Wait till I come back. I want to hear it as it runs off the reel is that right?"

From these the blood runs with too great force for the clot to form within the wound. *Time Required for Coagulation.*—The rate at which coagulation takes place varies greatly under different conditions. It is influenced strongly by temperature; heat hastens and cold retards the process. It may be prevented entirely by lowering the temperature of the blood to near the freezing point.

It is not uncommon, indeed, on amputating above the knee, to find even the popliteal artery plugged by a clot. This should be removed at the amputation by squeezing the vessel from above downward by a "milking" movement, or by "catheterising the artery" with the aid of a cannula with a terminal aperture.

The clot gradually shrinks, until at the end of a few hours it is much firmer, and floats in the yellowish fluid. The white corpuscles become entangled in the upper portion of clot, giving it a pale yellow look on the top, known as the buffy coat.

"Certainly not. The liquid would appear like water, and the clot would appear as a solid mass sticking to the paper." "Does blood always behave in the way you have described?" "Always, unless some artificial means are taken to prevent it from clotting." "By what means can blood be prevented from clotting or solidifying?" "There are two principal methods.