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Stoneman's cavalry was still farther to the right, along down the Chattahoochee River as far as opposite Sandtown; and on that day I ordered Garrard's division of cavalry up the river eighteen miles, to secure possession of the factories at Roswell, as well as to hold an important bridge and ford at that place.

Leading the South Carolina army of more than eighteen hundred men, Colonel Andrew Williamson directed his attack against the lower Cherokee towns; while Colonel Samuel Jack led two hundred Georgians against the Indian towns at the heads of the Chattahoochee and Tugaloo Rivers.

The two most important bridges on the railroad were now safe, those crossing the Chattahoochee and the Etowah; and as Forrest had failed to reach the line from Chattanooga to Nashville, Hood's plan of campaign had failed and Sherman's communications were unbroken.

They admired Hood, his personal character and gallantry, but they believed in Johnston as second only to Robert E. Lee, and that the Confederacy did not hold another man who could so well serve her. Sherman moving the main portion of his army towards the northeast, covered by the Chattahoochee, but still holding the W. & A. railroad with his right wing, our battery was ordered to report to Gen.

Instead of learning the latitude and longitude of Madagascar, Chattahoochee, and Kamchatka, I might have received high grades in geography by abstaining from the chewing of gum, by not wearing my hands in my trousers-pockets, by walking instead of ambling or slouching, by wiping the mud from my shoes before entering the house, by a personally conducted tour through the realms of manicuring, and by learning the position and use of the hat-rack.

Hood's plan to transfer the campaign to northern Georgia Made partly subordinate to Beauregard Forrest on a raid Sherman makes large detachments Sends Thomas to Tennessee Hood across the Chattahoochee Sherman follows Affair at Allatoona Planning the March to the Sea Sherman at Rome Reconnoissance down the Coosa Hood at Resaca Sherman in pursuit Hood retreats down the Chattooga valley We follow in two columns Concentrate at Gaylesville Beauregard and Hood at Gadsden Studying the situation Thomas's advice Schofield rejoins Conference regarding the Twenty-third Corps Hood marches on Decatur His explanation of change of plan Sherman marches back to Rome We are ordered to join Thomas Hood repulsed at Decatur marches to Tuscumbia Our own march begun Parting with Sherman Dalton Chattanooga Presidential election Voting by steam Retrospect of October camp-life Camp sports Soldiers' pets Story of a lizard.

These operations were completed by the 3d of July, when it was found that Johnston had evacuated the place. He was pursued at once. Sherman had made every preparation to abandon the railroad, leaving a strong guard in his intrenchments. He had intended, moving out with twenty days' rations and plenty of ammunition, to come in on the railroad again at the Chattahoochee River.

I have been hurrying down provisions and forage, and tomorrow night propose to move McPherson from the left to the extreme right, back of General Thomas. This will bring my right within three miles of the Chattahoochee River, and about five miles from the railroad.

Roughly speaking, the country can be divided into three water-power districts: the wholly undeveloped district which lies about Birmingham, Alabama, the centre of the great iron and coal district of the South; a well-exploited district along the Chattahoochee, extending from Atlanta to Columbus, Georgia; a district which lies in the favored agricultural region of northern South Carolina and southern North Carolina.

By night Thomas's head of column ran up against a strong rear-guard intrenched at Smyrna camp-ground, six miles below Marietta, and there on the next day we celebrated our Fourth of July, by a noisy but not a desperate battle, designed chiefly to hold the enemy there till Generals McPherson and Schofield could get well into position below him, near the Chattahoochee crossings.