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I'll have you discharged for insulting a lady," said Keith. "Oh, me name's aall right. Me name's Mike Doherty Sergeant Doherty. I guess ye'll find it on the rolls right enough. And as for insultin' a leddy, that's what I'm goin' to charrge against ye that and " "Why, Mike Doherty!" exclaimed Keith. "I am Mr. Keith Gordon Keith." "Mr. Keith! Gordon Keith!"

"It makes the men sweer so, but I am thinkin' that it will come to a charrge if these black devils stand much longer. Stewarrt, man, you're firing into the eye of the sun, and he'll not take any harm for Government ammuneetion. A foot lower and a great deal slower! What are the English doing? They're very quiet there in the centre. Running again?" The English were not running.

"It makes the men sweer so, but I am thinkin' that it will come to a charrge if these black devils stand much longer. Stewarrt, man, you're firing into the eye of the sun, and he'll not take any harm for Government ammuneetion. A foot lower and a great deal slower! What are the English doing? They're very quiet, there in the center. Running again?" The English were not running.

Tim had an' ould blundherbuss, all loaded up wid bits av nales an' screws an' such-like, wid a terribul big charrge av powther behint ut. Four solid hours did they wait for um forninst a hedge on th' road he had tu come home by, from Ballymeen Fair.

"The way I make it out," said Archer, "is that this Blondel, whoeverr he is, has got some Gerrman officerr wished on him and that geezerr has charrge of the women worrking on the new road. I'd like to know how you expect to get within a mile of those people in the daytime."

"Used to say 'I'm a man of few words'?" Slavin nodded affirmatively. "That's him, Sarjint in charrge av th' town station he was years back. This is whin I was Corp'ril at headquarthers. A foine big roosther av a man was Nobby, wid a mighty pleasant way wid um 'specially wid th' ladies. Wan night blarney me sowl! Will I iver forghet ut?

An' he's going to put me in charrge av a farrum that they call the hayshindy, where I'll sell the cattle for myself, wid half to him, an' make slathers o' money." "Thunder, Sweeny! You'll end by ridin' in a coach. What'll ye take for yer chances? Wal, I'm glad to hear ye're doin' so well. I am so, for old times' sake." "Come in, Captain Glover," at this moment called Clara through the blinds.