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A violin!" "Now, you little chammer, you got a feedle, and if you ever let me hear you holler again for a feedle, by golly! if I don't " From his corner, Leon Kantor reached out, taking the instrument and fitting it beneath his chin, the bow immediately feeling, surely and lightly, for string. "Look, Abrahm, he knows how to hold it! What did I tell you?

"Now, you little Chammer, you got a feedle, and if you ever let me hear you holler again for a feedle, by golly if I don't " From his corner, Leon Kantor reached out, taking the instrument and fitting it beneath his chin, the bow immediately feeling, surely and lightly for string. "Look, Abrahm! He knows how to hold it! What did I tell you?

I could potch him again this minute for how he wanted it! Du you little bum you Chammer Momser I'll feedle you!" Across Mrs. Kantor's face as she knelt there in the shapeless cotton-stuff uniform of poverty, through the very tenement of her body, a light had flashed up into her eyes.

"Don't 'say, pop' me! I don't want no street-bum freshness from you!" "I mean, papa, there was an up-town swell in, and she bought one of them seventy-five-cent candlesticks for the first price." "Schlemmil! Chammer!" said Mr. Kantor, rinsing his hands at the sink. "Didn't I always tell you it's the first price, times two, when you see up-town business come in?

I could potch him again this minute for how he wanted it! Du you little bum you chammer momser I'll feedle you!" Across Mrs. Kantor's face, as she knelt there in the shapeless cotton-stuff uniform of poverty, through the very tenement of her body, a light had flashed up into her eyes.

Dick said nothing; and the stillness was disturbed only by some small bird that was being killed by an owl in the adjoining wood, whose cry passed into the silence without mingling with it. "I've left my hat up in chammer," said Geoffrey; "wait while I step up and get en." "I'll be in the garden," said Dick. He went round by a side wicket into the garden, and Geoffrey went upstairs.

They are our best linen ones, got up beautiful, and a kept wi' rosemary. Really, sir, one would say you stayed out o' your chammer o' purpose to oblige the young man with a bed! 'Don't blame them, don't blame them! said Jocelyn in an even and characterless voice. 'Don't blame her, particularly. She didn't make the circumstances.

He's got the papers already drawn up the pen outside waiting " "Abrahm!" "Pa!" In the silence that followed, Isadore Kantor, a poppiness of stare and a violent redness set in, suddenly turned to his five-year-old son, sticky with lollipop, and came down soundly and with smack against the infantile, the slightly outstanding and unsuspecting ear. "Momser!" he cried. "Chammer! Lump! Ganef!

"Don't 'say pop' me! I don't want no street-bum freshness from you!" "I mean, papa, there was an uptown swell in, and she bought one of them seventy-five-cent candlesticks for the first price," "Schlemmil Chammer!" said Mr. Kantor, rinsing his hands at the sink. "Didn't I always tell you it's the first price times two when you see up-town business come in?

In the silence that followed, Isadore Kantor, a poppiness of stare and a violent redness set in, suddenly turned to his five-year-old son, sticky with lollypop, and came down soundly and with smack against the infantile, the slightly outstanding, and unsuspecting ear. "Momser!" he cried. "Chammer! Lump! Ganef! You hear that? Two thousand! Two thousand!