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He would not, because, while assigning to knowledge an extra-intellectual matter, he believed this matter to be either coextensive with intellect or less extensive than intellect. Therefore he could not dream of cutting out intellect in it, nor, consequently, of tracing the genesis of the understanding and its categories.

When its poetic method is denied its value is jeopardised. It precedes science rather than hinders it. It is merely symbolic and thoroughly human. Felt causes not necessary causes. Mechanism and dialectic ulterior principles. Early selection of categories. Tentative rational worlds. Superstition a rudimentary philosophy. A miracle, though unexpected, more intelligible than a regular process.

There cannot be an infinite chain of cause and effect, even if these links are not possessed of magnitude, for example, intellects. Change is found in four categories. In substance genesis and decay. In quantity growth and diminution. In quality qualitative change. In place motion of translation. All motion is change, and is the realization of the potential.

When the nation is at war, every man, woman and child in it is at war. The males are divided into categories, and those who have youth and no responsibility have to serve in the first line. The only son of a widow, and the father of a numerous small family does not have to leave them to the mercy of public charity and "Patriotic Funds" and go into the front line to fight.

Certainly it is not because his labor is of necessity neither productive nor useful, for paragraph 65 says that even though belonging to one of the categories of persons otherwise qualified to vote, the private merchant may "enjoy neither the right to vote nor to be voted for."

The De Coppets, particularly in the person of the first-born Louis, had been a value to us, or at any rate to me for though I was, in common with my elders then, unacquainted with the application of that word as I use it here, what was my incipient sense of persons and things, what were my first stirred observant and imaginative reactions, discriminations and categories, but a vague groping for it?

When the imagination shrinks in fear from the phantoms which it creates, it may be excused because it is imagination. But when the intellect allows itself to be tyrannized over or terrified by the categories to which itself gives birth, it is in the wrong, for it is not allowed to intellect the critical power of man to be the dupe of anything.

The whole army bewails it and calls down curses upon him... Among the innumerable categories applicable to the phenomena of human life one may discriminate between those in which substance prevails and those in which form prevails. To the latter as distinguished from village, country, provincial, or even Moscow life we may allot Petersburg life, and especially the life of its salons.

The benefits which man enjoys are also divided into four categories.

Anyhow we got a hundred fine horses together at the cost of a good many imprecations. The complainants may be divided into the following categories: 1st. Those who really believed they had some cause of complaint. 2nd. Those who did not feel inclined to part with anything without receiving the full value in cash whose patriotism began and ended with money. 3rd. 4th.