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No longer can they phrase the deepest experiences of their souls with God in the outgrown categories of a static world.

It comes to this, that if we wish to describe a man who does not seem to fit into any of the categories permitted by ordinary words, we are driven to refer him to some exemplar recognized in legend or history we talk of his being Epicurean, Voltairean, and so forth. Let us say, therefore, that Monsieur Thomas, like Pasteur, is of the Promethean type a seeker after verity, a light-bringer.

Secondly, such offers must be unambiguous and must be precise and clear. Thirdly, they must accept the categories and the Reparation clauses as matters settled beyond discussion." The offer, as made, does not appear to contemplate any opening up of the problem of Germany's capacity to pay.

Travellers may be divided into two categories: those who wish to find on foreign soil the identical conditions to which they have been accustomed at home, and those searching for novelty of outlook and novelty of surroundings.

You know there is; and so also you must believe in Categories, and you must admit differences of kind as well as of degree, and you must accept exact definition and believe in all that your fathers did, that were wiser men than you, as is easily proved if you will but imagine yourself for but one moment introduced into the presence of your ancestors, and ask yourself which would look the fool.

The privileges and obligations of these categories were soon legally fixed. In practice, during the first thousand years of the existence of the examination system no peasant had a chance to become an official by means of the examinations.

Thus it is evident that, besides the concept of cause, a series of other categories must be applied to the thing in itself, hence applied transcendentally.

It has already been pointed out that these latter classes, which live by, rather than in, the industrial process, are roughly comprised under two categories the leisure class proper, which is shielded from the stress of the economic situation; and the indigent classes, including the lower-class delinquents, which are unduly exposed to the stress.

Few people were visible and these were divided sharply into two categories: those clearly intent upon concluding some business, rushing furiously, papers, briefcases or articles of worth in their hands; and those obviously without purpose, dazed, listless, stumbling against the curbstones as they shambled along, casting furtive glances toward the green glacier in the background.

We cannot employ an a priori conception with certainty, until we have made a transcendental deduction therefore. The ideas of pure reason do not admit of the same kind of deduction as the categories. This deduction will complete the critical task imposed upon pure reason; and it is to this part Of our labours that we now proceed.