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The scruples of people regarding their confessions may well be imagined; and this, too, when Lent was past. The Dominican fathers, moreover, even said in the pulpits, when exultant tanquam victores capta preda, that there is no person in these islands, except the Dominican religious, who has the ability or learning to make a decision in a case of morals.

On us the power of the material world has, through our very mastery of it and the dependence which results from that mastery, both inwardly and outwardly increased its hold. Capta ferum victorem cepit. We have taken possession of it, and now we cannot move without it.

Sed frons læta parum et dejecto lumina vultu. Virg. Æu. See the learned canon. De Jorio's Munica degli antichi, art. Dolore, Mestizia. We may add that conquered provinces are often represented in a similar attitude as statues, on bas-reliefs, and on medals. See for instance, Judæa Capta, a reverse of Vespasian, ap.

And, moreover, abduction is a special kind of case, seeing that if the participes criminis are free the femme sole, sometimes called the femina capta, is in greater danger. In fact, it is a continuing crime. An information being sworn therefore 'It has not been sworn yet! Sir George retorted fiercely. 'And I warn you that any one who lays a hand on me shall rue it.

Accordingly about the middle of the Epistle, a dilemma occurs from which no escape or deliverance is possible, except by an almighty falsehood. Take the leap Pope must, or else he must turn back when half-way through. 'Graecia capta ferum ietorera cepit, et artes Intulit agresti Latio.

The vices of the former were those of a coward; the vices of the latter were those of a tyrant. It may be added, that the Spaniard, like the Roman, did not disdain to study the arts and the language of those whom he oppressed. A revolution took place in the literature of Spain, not unlike that revolution which, as Horace tells us, took place in the poetry of Latium: "Capta ferum victorem cepit."

At the fall of Buda, Leopold refused to be bound any longer by the promise extorted from his ancestors; and, in commemoration of the capture of this important post, a cross was erected on the tower, with this inscription: "Luna deposuit, et crux exaltata. Anno quo Buda a Turcis capta, MDCLXXXVI." With the capture of Buda, the campaign of 1686 closed.

So he weighed such queries as the old scholastic brocard, An chimoera bombinans in vacuo devorat secundas intentiones? and that beautiful moot point wherewith Sir Thomas More silenced the challenging schoolmen of Bruges, An averia carrucae capta in vetito nomio sint irreplegibilia?

Amid it all he chose the best doctrine, and he was undoubtedly doing good to his countrymen in thus representing to them in their native language the learning by which they might best be softened. "Græcia capta ferum victorem cepit, et artes. Intulit agresti Latio." Here, too, he explains his own conduct in a beautiful passage.

"You might have added, my brother," said the Abbot, listening with melancholy acquiescence to the detail of his own merits, "that I caused to be built that curious screen, which secureth the cloisters from the north-east wind. But all these things avail nothing As we read in holy Maccabee, Capta est civitas per voluntatem Dei.