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The 'olfactory', or first pair of nerves, have a double origin, namely, from the 'corpus striatum' and the base of the 'corpus callosum'. They are prolongations of the medullary substance of the central portion of the brain. They are the largest of the cerebral nerves.

The daring eccentricities of colour in this class of plant have no stronger example than C. callosum, a novelty from Caraccas, with inky brown sepals and petals, brightest orange column, labellum of verdigris-green tipped with orange to match. Schomburgkias are not often seen.

What is one to think of a child with two heads? without deformity apart from this? Some say that it has two souls because it is provided with two pineal glands, with two corpus callosum, with two sensorium commune. Others reply that one cannot have two souls when one has only one chest and one navel.

In particular the corpus callosum, that unites the two cerebral hemispheres, is only developed in the Placentals. Other structures for instance, in the lateral ventricles that seem at first to be peculiar to man, are also found in the higher apes, and these alone. It was long thought that man had certain distinctive organs in his cerebrum which were not found in any other animal.

To it belong not only the large hemispheres, but also the corpus callosum that unites them, the olfactory lobes, from which the olfactory nerves start, and most of the structures that are found at the roof and bottom of the large lateral ventricles inside the two hemispheres, such as the corpora striata.

Strange incidents occur continually in this pursuit, as may be believed. Nine years since, Mr. Godseff crossed Catasetum macrocarpum with Catasetum callosum. The seed ripened, and in due time it was sown; but none ever germinated in the proper place. A long while afterwards Mr. Godseff remarked a tiny little green speck in a crevice above the door of this same house.

Hamilton, of Aberdeen, claims that the corpus callosum is not a commissure, but the decussation of cortical fibers on their way down to enter the internal and external capsules of the opposite side. Profs.

If we were to remove the surface portion of the apex of the brain we should find immediately below it the shining belt of brain substance called the "corpus callosum."

These are separated by a deep groove, extending from the front to the back of the brain, known as the median fissure. The hemispheres, however, are closely connected by a great band of underlying nerve fibers, called the corpus callosum. Short segment of the axis cylinder with collateral branches. At the base of the cerebrum three large masses of cell-bodies are to be found.

There is also recorded the history of a man who was deficient in the corpus callosum; at the age of sixty-two, though of feeble intelligence, he presented no signs of nervous disorder. Claude Bernard made an autopsy on a woman who had no trace of olfactory lobes, and after a minute inquiry into her life he found that her sense of smell had been good despite her deficiency.