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"Sanjaya said, 'Seeing Bhima in that battle assailed by the cannibal, Vasudeva, approaching Ghatotkacha, said unto him these words, "Behold, O mighty-armed one, Bhima is violently assailed by the Rakshasa in battle, in the very sight of all the troops and of thyself, O thou of great splendour! Abandoning Karna for the present, quickly slay Alayudha, O mighty armed one!

Beholding Ghatotkacha engaged with Alayudha in battle and afflicted like the leader of a bovine herd when engaged with a lion, Bhima, that foremost of smiters, disregarding the advancing Karna, rushed towards Alayudha, riding on his car of solar effulgence and scattering clouds of shafts. Seeing Bhima advance, Alayudha, O lord, abandoning Ghatotkacha, proceeded against Bhima himself.

Indeed, the battle that took place between Bhima's son and Alayudha, was, O king, dreadful in the extreme, like that in days of old, O monarch, between Vali and Sugriva, those two princes among the monkeys. They struck each other with shafts and diverse other kinds of fierce weapons, as also with sharp scimitars. Then the mighty Rakshasas, rushing against each other, seized each other by the hair.

Other great Rakshasas having Hidimva and Kirmira and Vaka for their foremost, as also Alayudha, that grinder of hostile troops, and Ghatotkacha, that crusher of foes and warrior of fierce deeds, have all been slain."" "'Arjuna said, "How, O Janardana, for our good, and by what means, were those lords of the earth, viz., Jarasandha and the others, slain?"

The mighty Rakshasa, beholding his followers frightened by Bhima, rushed impetuously against Bhima and covered him with shafts. Then Bhimasena, in that battle, weakened his foe by means of many keen-pointed arrows. Amongst those arrows sped at him by Bhima, Alayudha speedily cut off some and seized others in that battle.

Then Bhima, that exterminator of Rakshasas, impetuously rushed towards him, O lord, and covered that prince of the Rakshasas with shafts. Similarly, Alayudha, that chastiser of foes, repeatedly covered the son of Kunti with straight shafts whetted on stone.

All of them, then, began to fight with Karna, while the Panchalas encountered Drona. Then Alayudha, excited with rage, struck Ghatotkacha, that chastiser of foes, on the head, with a gigantic Parigha. With the stroke of that Parigha, the mighty son of Bhimasena, endued with great prowess, seemed to be in a state of partial swoon and sat down motionless.

That bull amongst Rakshasa, saying, "Let it be so," unto the king, speedily proceeded against Bhima, accompanied by his cannibal force. Endued with a blazing form, Alayudha rode a car bright like the sun. Indeed, O monarch, that car of his was similar to Ghatotkacha's car. The rattle also of Alayudha's car was as deep as that of Ghatotkacha's, and it was decked with many arches.

There were the son of Jarasandha, and Bhagadatta, and Jalasandha of great energy, and Bhurisravas, and Sala, and Salya, and Vrishasena with his younger brother. There were Achala and Vrishaka, and the Rakshasa Alayudha, and Valhika, and Somadatta, and king Chekitana. These and many others, who for their number cannot be conveniently named, appeared on that occasion.

"Sanjaya said, 'Beholding Alayudha of terrible deeds come to battle, all the Kauravas became filled with delight. Indeed, the kings in the Kuru army then regarded themselves as persons reborn after death. They all offered a respectful welcome to Alayudha.