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"Well, I drifted an' drifted without knowin' where I was driftin', till finally I seen a shore at some distance off an' took the oars an' pulled for it, havin' somethin' to think of now. "It was still a-rainin', but I didn't care for that now, but just pulled for shore till it got dark again and stopped rainin', which was a comfort.

Suddenly the door was opened from the inside, and Bachelor Billy stood there, shading his eyes with his hand and peering out into the darkness. "Ralph," he said, "is that yo' a-stannin' there i' the rain? Coom in, lad; coom in wi' ye! Why!" he exclaimed, as the boy entered the room, "ye're a' drippin' wet!" "Yes, Uncle Billy, it's a-rainin' pirty hard; I believe I I believe I did git wet."

Here Billy positively laughed, so that I felt strongly inclined to give him a box on the ear for his levity. "And it's been a-rainin' all day," continued he, jocularly "and the streets is all one marsh of muck." "Poor fellow!" said I. "I wish I could lend him a pair of mine." "Ga on!" cried Billy, scornfully, dropping on his knees before his box.

It was the first time that they had ever received orders from anybody higher than the Colonel, and the effect upon them was extraordinary. "What in the everlastin' kingdom," grumbled he, "kin your niggah-lovin' Yankees expect t' gain by draggin' me out when hit's a-rainin' cats and dogs?" "Don't know nothin' about it," answered Si, catching him by the shoulder to hurry him up.

"Why, ye see, Mah'sr Harry," said the old man, "she's so drefful lonesome down dar all by sheself, and sometimes it's a-rainin' an' a long way fur me to go home and git me wrapper all wet jist fur one little meal o' wittles.