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At the close of the last fiscal year there were on the pension rolls 234,821 persons, of whom 210,363 were army pensioners, 105,478 being invalids and 104,885 widows and dependent relatives; 3,420 were navy pensioners, of whom 1,636 were invalids and 1,784 widows and dependent relatives; 21,038 were pensioners of the War of 1812, 15,875 of whom were survivors and 5,163 were widows.

The published accounts of the assassination were, in some instances, very sensational. Drawings, by special artists of persons concerned, were much in evidence, also half-tones of the exterior of 478 Christie Place.

Gratitude impelled him not to listen to the suggestions of ambition and the prayers of his countrymen; but the arguments of gratitude proved the least strong, and Alphonso encamped before Toledo. After a long and celebrated siege, to which several French and other foreign warriors eagerly hastened, Toledo finally capitulated, A.D. 1085, Heg. 478.

Compare Walpole, History of England, iii., 478. Lord Melbourne's Papers, p. 220. Ibid., pp. 222, 223. Parker, Sir Robert Peel, ii., 235. Croker to Mrs. Croker, Croker Papers, ii., 219. Peel, Memoirs, ii., 58-67. The general election which took place in January, 1835, was hotly contested, and in the second reformed parliament the conservatives mustered far stronger than in the first.

Devanampiya Piadasi: the Gracious of Mien, the Beloved of the Gods: an Adept King like them of old time, strayed somehow into the scope and vision of history. Greece shone between 478 and 348, to give the thirteen decades of her greatest spiritual brightness.

It certainly looks as though that next move would be to the still-unknown race that lives on world 3769-37, 478, 326, 894-6. Evidently we will have to have some weapon they haven't, and I think that I know what it will be. Thanks to our trip out to the Islands of Space." "Shall we go?" "I think it would be wise," agreed Morey. "And I," said Wade.

ADULTERY, by, is meant scortation opposite to marriage, 480. The horrible nature of adultery, 483. Spiritual adultery is the connection of evil and the false, 520. Adulteries are the complex of all evils, 356. Why hell in the total is called adultery, 520. There are three genera of adulteries, simple, duplicate, and triplicate, 478, 484.

Pyrrhus never was so near to the attainment of his aim as in the summer of 478, when he saw Carthage humbled before him, commanded Sicily, and retained a firm footing in Italy by the possession of Tarentum, and when the newly-created fleet, which was to connect, to secure, and to augment these successes, lay ready for sea in the harbour of Syracuse. The Sicilian Government of Pyrrhus

Stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans, they contain an area of at least 3,478,380 square miles more than is owned by the United States, and not much less than the whole of Europe, with its family of nations!

So far as the understanding favors evils, so far a man appropriates them to himself, and makes them his own, 489. See Hereditary. EXTENSION cannot be predicated of things spiritual, 158. The reason why, 389. EXTERNALS derive from their internals their good or evil, 478. Of the external derived from the internal, and of the external separate from the internal, 148.