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"Bound to be; she never was cotched behind time, not while I stuffed her with coal and lightwood knots. She was plum punctchul." "Was the lamp lighted where you tied your bundle?" "Yes'ir, burnin' bright." "Tell the Court the appearance of the man whom you talked with." Mr.

"By short cuts I make it about ten miles; but the gang what works the road, calls it twelve." "Have you a farm there?" "Yes'ir. A pretty tolerable farm; a cornfield and potato patch and gyarden, and parsture for my horgs and oxin, and a slipe of woods for my pine knots." "What is your business?"

One-half of him was hanssum, 'minded me mightly of that stone head with kurly hair what sets over the sody fountin in the drug store, on Main Street. Oh, yes'ir, one side was too pretty for a man; but t'other! Fo' Gawd! t'other made your teeth ache, and sot you cross-eyed to look at it. He toted a awful brand to be shore." "What do you mean by one side? Explain yourself carefully now."

The ingines goes now by numbers, but we ole hands called our'n always 'Borygyard'." "You were crippled in a collision between two freight trains?" "Yes'ir; but t'other train was the cause of the " "Never mind the cause of the accident. You moved out to 'Possum Ridge; can you remember exactly when you were last in town?" "To be shore!

"Most generally, Boss, it are; but you see Bre'r Green, what was to preach the ole 'oman's sarmont, had a big baptizin' for two Sundays han' runnin', and he was gwine to Boston for a spell, on the next comin' Saddy, so bein' as our time belonks to us now, we was free to 'pint a week day." "You are positive it was the twenty-sixth?" "Oh, yes'ir; plum postiv.