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XCVI. He certainly had a presentiment of the issue of all his wars.

Lest the reader should suppose, however, that I have drawn wholly upon my own imagination for the details of the apparition, the cure, the marriage ceremony, etc., I refer him to No. XCVI. of Giles's "Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio," entitled, "A Supernatural Wife," in which he will find that my narrative is at least conformable to Chinese ideas. "The Return of Yen-Tchin-King."

Dear good friend, I recommend again to your good offices, my friend Despruneaux, so that you will again do what you can to be of use to him in a very just suit which has already been judged in his favor. Yours, G. Sand XCVI. TO GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Nohant, 15 October, 1868 Here I am "ter hum" where, after having hugged my children and my grandchildren, I slept thirty-six hours at one stretch.

When it was found that the Rakhas was really dead the Raja assembled all his subjects and in their presence married Jhalka to his daughter and made over to him half the kingdom and gave him horses and elephants and half of everything in his palace. XCVI. The Children and the Vultures.

The editor of this paper returns his acknowledgments for a bountiful slice of the wedding-cake. May their shadows never be less!" Not many weeks after this appeared the following: "Died in this place, on the 28th instant, the venerable Lemuel Hurlbut, M. D., at the great age of XCVI years. "'With the ancient is wisdom, and in length of days understanding."

But many documents have been published since, which were then unknown, particularly the letters of Clarendon Papers, iii. App. xcvi.; and Mr.

Simon's Mémoires; Voltaire's Siècle de Louis XIV.; Guizot's History of France; Early Days of Madame de Maintenon, Eclectic Magazine, xxxii. 67; Life and Character of Madame de Maintenon, Quarterly Review, xcvi. 394; Fortnightly Review, xxv. 607; Temple Bar, Iv. 243; Fraser, xxxix. 231; Mémoires of Louis XIV., Quarterly Review, xix. 46; James's Life and Times of Louis XIV.; James's Life of Madame de Maintenon; Secret Correspondence of Madame de Maintenon; Taine on the Ancien Régime; Browning's History of the Huguenots, Edinburgh Review, xcix. 454; Butler's Lives of Fénelon and Bossuet; Abbé Ledieu's Mémoire de Bossuet; Bentley, Memoirs de Madame de Montespan, xlviii. 309; De Bausset's Life of Fénelon.

The editor of this paper returns his acknowledgments for a bountiful slice of the wedding-cake. May their shadows never be less!" Not many weeks after this appeared the following: "Died in this place, on the 28th instant, the venerable Lemuel Hurlbut, M. D., at the great age of XCVI years. "'With the ancient is wisdom, and in length of days understanding."

SECTION XCV. NINETEENTH CAPITAL. This is, of course, the second counting from the Sea, on the Piazzetta side of the palace, calling that of the Fig-tree angle the first. It is the most important capital, as a piece of evidence in point of dates, in the whole palace. SECTION XCVI. First side. "ST. SIMPLICIUS": so inscribed.

Edwin: "Oh, pretty well; Bosse was in the chair, of course. He praised everybody's work this year except mine." Angelina: "Oh! I'm so glad. At last he is beginning to look upon you as his rival and his only one." The wings of tact are sympathy. This drawing appeared in Punch, vol. xcvi. p. 222 ; it is signed with other drawings from 89 Porchester Terrace, April '89.