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XXXV, p. 101. 2'. In Seattle a mayor who made terms with the vicious element, and was in league with public service corporations, was recalled. Daily papers, March, 1911. Wytown should adopt a commission government like that of Des Moines; since A. The admitted inefficiency of the city government at present is due to the system of government;

For the practical purposes of making an argument a very moderate number of titles beyond those you can actually use will give you sufficient background. Enter in your notebook the titles of books, articles, or speeches which bear on your subject, and which you are likely to be able to read. Bibliography for an argument on introducing commission government of the Des Moines type into Wytown.

The proposition, therefore, would have to be limited to, "Wytown should adopt a commission government after the Des Moines plan." The exact form of your proposition will not always come to you at the first try.

Give an example of an argument and an audience where it would be necessary to put the refutation first; of one in which it would be necessary to stir up the interest of readers at the start. 4. Suggest methods for gaining the interest of the readers in the last case. Wytown should adopt a commission government like that of Des Moines, Iowa.

In the argument for the introduction of the commission form of government into Wytown the burden of proof is on the affirmative to show that the Des Moines plan of city government will cure the evils of the present government of Wytown. In three subjects which you might choose for an argument show where the burden of proof would lie.

In the case of commission government for Wytown, by refuting the objection that too much power is given to the councilmen I provide a chance to show at the same time how completely the commission government keeps the control in the hands of the people; and the latter point is the strongest that can be made for the commission form of government. The Place of the Refutation.

To take another example from the brief we shall be working out in this chapter, the proposition, "Wytown should adopt the commission form of government," is not definite enough, for there are various forms of commission government, such as the Galveston plan, the Des Moines plan, and by this time a considerable variety of others; and citizens who are at all particular in their voting would want to know just which of these was proposed for their approval.

Enter those of the essential facts and definitions in the case which would be agreed to by both sides, and which are needed for an understanding of the brief. Agreed Statement of Facts. For many years the tax rate in Wytown has been high, and in the last ten years has not fallen below twenty-four dollars on one thousand dollars.

For the sake of convenience in exposition I shall use as an example the preparations for an argument in favor of introducing the commission form of government into an imaginary city, Wytown; and each of the directions for the use of the notebook I shall illustrate by entries appropriate to this argument.

In the argument on the introduction of commission government into Wytown, for which I have constructed a brief, I assumed that the citizens were already aroused to the need of some change, and therefore began by showing that the evils of the present administration can be traced chiefly to the present system of government.