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His career in the University was one of almost unparalleled distinction, and it is recorded that his answering at the Wranglership examination, where he came out at the head of the list in 1843, was so high that he received more than double the marks awarded to the Second Wrangler.

Yet I daresay they think a deal of you at Cambridge, said he, after a pause, 'since you've got this fine wranglership; I'd nearly forgotten that the news came at such a miserable time. 'Well, yes! They're always proud of the senior wrangler of the year up at Cambridge. Next year I must abdicate. The squire sate and gazed into the embers, still holding his useless pipe-stem.

I see it written on your speaking brow that you took the mathematical wranglership at Oxford College." "Four francs seventy," said Temple through the shout of laughter. "Have I said something comme il ne faut pas?" said Miss Voscoe. "You couldn't," said Vernon: "every word leaves your lips without a stain upon its character." "Won't you let us join?" asked an Irish student.

"We did not go abroad this year, but buried ourselves in absolute solitude in Surrey near Haslemere, if you know the lovely region; and there I worked like a man going in for the Senior Wranglership, and Mrs. Lewes, who was ailing most of the time, went on with her new work.

They seem to think that the noble foundations of our old universities are hardly fulfilling their functions in their present posture of half-clerical seminaries, half racecourses, where men are trained to win a senior wranglership, or a double-first, as horses are trained to win a cup, with as little reference to the needs of after-life in the case of the man as in that of the racer.

They seem to think that the noble foundations of our old universities are hardly fulfilling their functions in their present posture of half-clerical seminaries, half racecourses, where men are trained to win a senior wranglership, or a double-first, as horses are trained to win a cup, with as little reference to the needs of after-life in the case of the man as in that of the racer.

He is the sort of man who can't do wrong. A fortnight before the examination he ties a wet towel round his head. That is all we hear about it. It seems to be the towel that does it. Maybe, if the towel is not quite up to its work, he will help things on by drinking gallons of strong tea. The tea and the towel combined are irresistible: the result is always the senior wranglership.

They seem to think that the noble foundations of our old universities are hardly fulfilling their functions in their present posture of half-clerical seminaries, half racecourses, where men are trained to win a senior wranglership, or a double-first, as horses are trained to win a cup, with as little reference to the needs of after-life in the case of a man as in that of the racer.

A senior wranglership appears to them to be the culminating point of human glory, instead of the first term in the real battle of life. Fitzjames, far from sharing this delusion, regarded it, perhaps, with rather too much contempt.