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"Oh, but ain't he the 'cute little workin'-man with his little ole hoss and his garments of toil." "Oh, Red!" exclaimed the boy. "Me sure! I been hidin' in my whiskers so long I didn't know if you'd know me." "I been thinking about you every day." "Uhuh. So have I. I reckon some others has, too. Say, what you been doin' lately, studyin' law or learnin' the piano? I been lookin' for you for a week.

"The city can look after my missus and the kids if their nateral provider is took from them. That wall is comin' down! I'm h'only a workin'-man, and I don't mind bein' spit on once in a while, but I won't stand for it bein' rubbed in." It was a sultry June day, the first of the summer vacation, and toward noon Mrs. Cadge set out to take her husband a bite of lunch.

I ask you." "No, father," said Bibbs, gently. Sheridan looked at Gurney and then faced his son once more. "Bibbs, you want to stay in the shop, do you, at nine dollars a week, instead of takin' up my offer?" "Yes, sir." "And I'd like the doctor to hear: What'll you do if I decide you're too high-priced a workin'-man either to live in my house or work in my shop?" "Find other work," said Bibbs.

Land sakes! we got ter talkin' 'bout so many things that I clean forgot the summer-house roof. But there! this won't do for me: I must be goin'; there ain't no rest for the workin'-man in this country." "If there wa'n't no work for him, he'd be wuss off yet," responded Samantha. "Right ye are, Samanthy! Look here, when 'd you want that box you give me to fix?"

"You better come down there with your mind made up to hustle harder than the hardest workin'-man that's under you, or you'll not get on very good with me, I tell you! The way to get ahead and you better set it down in your books the way to get ahead is to do ten times the work of the hardest worker that works FOR you. But you don't know what work is, yet.