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If I get into scrapes, I can wriggle out of them again," maintained the kid of the camp, with a brazen look, while his eyes showed flinty sparks, caused by the inspiring purpose hidden behind them, which had little to do with water-carrying. "Why can't you both go without any more palaver?" suggested Herb, as he started away towards a belt of young firs to cut stakes for the tent.

He suspected that I couldn't do much in a dyking camp, so he swarmed down on me the second week I was there and ordered me to quit the water-carrying job and handle a mule team and a scraper. I saw death put an arm around my neck right then and there. But I wouldn't confess that I couldn't drive a team.

Only think, what damsels of Denmark fate has thrown upon us this night. Well, patience! To-morrow will come, thank God, and then we shall see." See the romance of Amadis of Gaul. "I have already told you, friend," replied Tomas, "that you may do as you please either go on your pilgrimage, or buy an ass and turn water-carrier as you proposed." "I stick to the water-carrying business," said Lope.

Now, though it had not taken us so great a while to make a finish of our water-carrying if matters had been more convenient; yet because of the softness of the ground under our feet, and the care with which we had to pick our steps, and some little distance between us and the brig, it had grown later than we desired, before we had made an end.

There are, of course, ewers and basins, water-carrying and retaining vessels, and colanders of brass and earthenware, strainers and graters which have been used from time to time in the kitchen. Some of the minor kitchen utensils include flesh hooks and forks and carving knives. There are spoons of every kind made in all metals, some of the earlier examples being of brass and latten.

"It is preposterous to waste so many words about a miserable creature, a water-carrying girl, and to go through so much disturbance but how are we to put an end to it all? What is your advice, Eulaeus?" "I thank you for that enquiry, noble princess," replied Eulaeus.