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Didn't know Cocker, I suppose, did you?" "No, sir." "Taught 'rithmetic. Didn't learn his 'rithmetic then?" "No, sir," I replied, "Walkinghame's." "Did you though? There, now, you play a walking game, and get home and count your strawberries." "Yes, sir, but " "I say, what a fellow you are to but! Why, you're like Teddy, my goat, I once had. No, no! No money.

Armour & Ramsay, the well-known booksellers; but the only book they announced was that work so familiar to old-time students, 'Walkinghame's Arithmetic. Another literary announcement was the publication of a work, by the Rev. R. Murray, of Oakville, on the 'Tendency and Errors of Temperance Societies' then in the infancy of their progress in Upper Canada.

He had brought Sir Henry Walkinghame's full consent to the surrender of the land; drawn up in such form as could be acted upon, and a letter to his man of business. But Nicolson! He was a worse dragon nearer home, hating all schools, especially hating Dr. May. However, said Dr.

May, almost petulant at the sound of the bell again, breaking into the conversation that was a great refreshment. "It was Sir Henry Walkinghame's ring," said Meta. "It is always his time of day." The doctor did not like it the better. Sir Henry sent up a message to ask whether he could see Mr. or Miss Rivers. "I suppose we must," said Meta, looking at the doctor.

In an early letter, Flora mentioned how she had been reminded of poor Harry, by finding Miss Walkinghame's card. That lady lived with her mother at Richmond, and, on returning the visit, Flora was warmly welcomed by the kind old Lady Walkinghame, who insisted on her bringing her baby and spending a long day.

Had it not been for Norman's absence, Ethel would, in the warm sympathy and accustomed manner of Meta Rivers, have forgotten all about the hopes and fears that, in brighter days, had centred on that small personage; until one day, as she came home from Cocksmoor, she found "Sir Henry Walkinghame's" card on the drawing-room table. "I should like to bite you!