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To fail is to be disgraced. victis! There is something very painful in these races, which we English are always running, to one who has tenderness enough to think of the nine beaten horses instead of the one who has conquered. Look at that list which has just come out after our grand national struggle at Cambridge. How many wranglers are there?

Take no notice at all of her murmurs, of her cries, of her sufferings; nature has ordained her for your use, that she may bear everything children, griefs, blows and pains from man. Don't accuse yourself of harshness. In the codes of all the nations which are called civilized, man has written the laws which govern the destiny of women in these cruel terms: Vae victis! Woe to the conquered!

"It means," answered the barbarian, haughtily, "woe to the vanquished!" " victis esse!" While this was going on, says the legend, Camillus, the dictator, was marching to Rome with the legions he had organized at Veii.

Then he cried: 'Vae victis! That is what right is. Ah! what beasts of prey there are in this world! What eagles! It makes my flesh creep." He held out his glass to Joly, who filled it, then he drank and went on, having hardly been interrupted by this glass of wine, of which no one, not even himself, had taken any notice:

The very night before the column reaches the borders of the reservation the leading chiefs come in camp to interview the officers, shake hands, beg tobacco, and try on their clothes, then go back to their braves and laugh as they tell there are only a handful, and plan the morrow's ambuscade and massacre. victis!

Here you can fall back on that naked and awful arbitration which is the only thing that balances the stars a still, continuous violence. Vae Victis! Down, down, down with the defeated! Victory is the only ultimate fact. Carthage was destroyed, the Red Indians are being exterminated: that is the single certainty.

And for this reason: although linen lasts so much longer than cotton, that it is in reality cheaper in the end, the poor would rather make the smaller outlay in the first instance, and, by virtue of the law of Vae victis! pay enormously more before they have done. The middle classes do the same. So there is a scarcity of linen.

That is the object of contention between lawyers, speculators, squatters, and the defenceless owners. "Vae victis!" The days of confiscation follow the conquest. Hydraulic mining, quartz processes, and corporate effort succeed the earlier mining attempts. Two different forces are now in full energy of action. Hills are swept bodily into the river-beds, in the search for the underlying gold.

victis! Far out in the glorious Park country in the heart of the Centennial State a little band of blue-coats, sent to succor a perilled agent, is making desperate stand against fearful odds. Less than two hundred men has the wisdom of the Department sent forth through the wilderness to find and, if need be, fight its way through five times its weight in well-armed foes.

He condones all that ordinary judgments regard as the tyranny of conquest, and has for the conquered only a vae victis. In this spirit, he writes : M. Thierry celebrates with considerable pathos the fate of the Saxons; the fate of the Welsh, too, moves him; of the Celts generally, whom a fiercer race swept before them into the mountains, whither they were not worth following.