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"Well, when the constabulary get here, you keep quiet," Mallin was saying. "Let me do the talking." "Intimidating witnesses, Mallin?" Gerd inquired. "Don't you know everybody'll have to testify at the constabulary post under veridication? And you're drawing pay for being a psychologist, too." Then he saw some of the Fuzzies raise their heads and look toward the southeastern horizon.

"You saw how far they got, didn't you?" "I hope we don't wish they'd succeeded," Rainsford said gloomily. "What do you mean, Ben?" Brannhard asked. "What do you think they'll do?" "I don't know. That's what worries me. We're threatening the Zarathustra Company, and the Company's too big to be threatened safely," Rainsford replied. "They'll try to frame something on Jack." "With veridication?

"She say that?" "Under veridication, with the screen blue as a sapphire, in front of half a dozen witnesses and with audiovisuals on. Interworld's putting it on the air this evening. Her father admitted it, too; named Woller and the desk sergeant. We're still looking for them; till we get them, we aren't any closer to Emmert or Grego.

Coombes, if I hear another word of objection to this officer's testimony from you, I am going to ask Mr. Brannhard to subpoena Victor Grego and question him under veridication about it." "Mr. Brannhard will be more than happy to oblige, Commander," Gus said loudly and distinctly. Coombes sat down hastily.

Because his own Fuzzies didn't exist any more. They had never gotten out of Science Center alive. Somebody Max Fane hadn't been able to question under veridication had murdered them. There was no use, any more, trying to convince himself differently. "We'll stop at their camp and pick up the blanket and the cushions and the rest of the things. I'll send the people who lost them checks," he said.

Pendarvis gave him his choice of resigning or facing malfeasance charges." "They couldn't really convict him of malfeasance for that, could they? Misfeasance, maybe, but " "They could charge him. And then they could interrogate him under veridication about his whole conduct in office, and you know what they would bring out," Coombes said. "He almost broke an arm signing his resignation.