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What is the call number of Mr. Summertrees? '140 Hyde Park. Hale at once called up Central, and presently was answered from Park Lane. We heard him say, 'Is this the residence of Mr. Summertrees? Oh, is that you, Podgers? Is Mr. Summertrees in? Very well. This is Hale. I am in Valmont's flat Imperial Flats you know. Yes, where you went with me the other day. Very well, go to Mr.

"Be not uneasy," said he, "nothing unfortunate has happened to us, but something very ridiculous to me; only think, scarcely had I disguised myself in this merry-andrew fashion, and advanced afoot towards the mountains, than a servant, whether luckily, or unluckily, stepped up to me, recognized me again and requested my attendance at the Marquis of Valmont's, who is suddenly taken dangerously ill, the carriage was waiting ready, I threw myself into it, made them drive as fast as the horses could run, and here, just before your door, it occurs to me for the first time, that in the dark and hurry, I left all my unfortunate wardrobe at the inn in the wood, sword, wig, and every thing.

Anyone looking for Paul Ducharme would have paid small attention to me, and to any friend of Valmont's I was equally unrecognisable. I strolled in leisurely manner to the Great Eastern Hotel on the Quay, and asked the clerk if a portmanteau addressed to Mr. John Wilkins had arrived that day from London.

No, no, and in any case how can I be sure you come from Eugène Valmont? No, monsieur, I am not to be trapped the second time. At this I related rapidly all that Valmont had done for him, and even repeated Valmont's most intimate conversation with him. The man was nonplussed, but remained firm. 'I dare not do it, he said. We were alone in his back shop.

Many a man has been hanged on a chain of circumstantial evidence much weaker than this which I have exhibited to you. Don't you see the subtlety of my action? Ninety-nine persons in a hundred would say: "No man could be such a fool as to put Valmont on his own track, and then place in Valmont's hands such striking evidence." But there comes in my craftiness.