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In danger among brigands or mutineers, for example she could stand by him and prove herself his mate. Intellectually, morally, she had to bow humbly. Nor had she, nor could she do more than lean on and catch example from his prompt spiritual valiancy. It shone out from him, and a crisis fulfilled the promise.

"I plunge with my braves in the seething sea; * Seize the foe in my strength and my valiancy; And the doughtiest knights wot me well to be * Friend to friend and fierce foe to mine enemy.

Smiled the Dale-wardens, and said that these were good banners to fight under; and those that stood nearby shouted for the valiancy of the Woodland Carles.

Then her face changed into joyousness again, and she smote her palms together, and cried out: "This is but foolish talk; for yesterday did I see thy valiancy, and to- day I have seen thy goodliness; and I say, that though thou mightest not be good enough for a fool woman of the earthly baronage, yet art thou good enough for me, the wise and the mighty, and the lovely.

He proved to me that my disobedience if, indeed, for the first time, a child of my House could disobey its chief would be an external barrier to thy fortune; that while Salisbury was thy foe, he himself could not advance thy valiancy and merit; that it was with me to forward thy ambition, though I could not reward thy love; that from the hour I was another's, my mighty kinsmen themselves for they were generous would be the first to aid the duke in thy career.

The regent concluded with saying, "that the Lords Loch-awe, Douglas, and Ruthven were come down from the Highlands with a multitudinous army, to drive out the Southron garrisons, and to repossess themselves of the fortresses of Stirling and Edinburgh. That Lord Bothwell had returned from France with the real Sir Thomas de Longueville, a knight of great valiancy.

The passionate gladness of the lover was wanting: the chivalrous valiancy of manful joy. Renee shivered at the cloud thickening over her new light of intrepid defiant life. 'Think it not improbable that I have weighed everything I surrender in quitting France, she said. Remorse wrestled with Beauchamp and flung him at her feet. Renee remarked on the lateness of the hour.

He said nought, but gazed at her face, wondering at her valiancy and goodness. She took him by the hand now, and held it without speaking for a little while, and he sat there still looking up into her face, wondering at her sweetness and his happiness.