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"Save your breath we haven't sixty faithful left!" "What are you saying? Our schools, our colleges, our vast workshops, our " "When those knights come, those establishments will empty themselves and go over to the enemy. Did you think you had educated the superstition out of those people?" "I certainly did think it." "Well, then, you may unthink it.

But that chance was torture, since, if he was to live it, he must undo the evil that he had done, unthink the thoughts that had been meat and drink to him, and he must get back to where he was before he fell."

"Even if The Salvation Army disappeared from every land where it is now at work and, though it will not disappear, I anticipate during the next ten years many changes in its organisation to the end of time the spirit of William Booth will be part of our religious progress. We cannot unthink ourselves out of his realism, out of his boundless pity, out of his consuming earnestness.

MR. A. You hold everything unproved that you cannot work out like a mathematical demonstration. C. I can't help it, grandpapa. I read and read, till all the premises become lost in the cloud of myths that belong to all nations. I don't want to think such things. I saw dear mother rest on her belief, and grow peaceful. They were perfect realities to her; but I cannot unthink.

"Save your breath we haven't sixty faithful left!" "What are you saying? Our schools, our colleges, our vast workshops, our " "When those knights come, those establishments will empty themselves and go over to the enemy. Did you think you had educated the superstition out of those people?" "I certainly did think it." "Well, then, you may unthink it.

Short ends of threds, And narrow shreds Of lists, Knots, snarled ruffs, Loose broken tufts Of twists, Are my torn meditations ragged clothing, Which, wound and woven, shape a suit for nothing: One while I think, and then I am in pain To think how to unthink that thought again.

And then, too, even if I wanted to give it up, I could not: neither I nor any man, nor all the world combined, could unthink to-day a hundred years, fold up a hundred thousand miles of railway, tuck modern life all neatly up again in a little, old, snug, safe, lovable Hand-made World. There must be some way out, some connecting link between the Hand-made and the Machine-made.

The reader therefore is requested to unthink the present Bagdad Railway altogether, to 'scrap' it in his mind, as it will be probably scrapped on the map, since it is utterly useless for our purposes. Eastwards, again, from Aleppo the present Bagdad line is circuitous and indirect, admirably adapted to the German purposes for which it was constructed, but utterly unadapted to ours.

You had to unmake so many plans, unthink so many thoughts.... Oh, but that was nothing.

MR. A. Do you think your mother was not certain? C. I saw she was; I see you are certain. But what am I to do? I cannot unthink. MR. A. Poor child, they have loosed you from the shore, because you could not see it, and left you to flounder in the waves. C. Well, so I feel it sometimes; but if I could only feel that there was a shore, I would try to get my foothold. Oh, with all my heart!