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Her philanthropy had no taint of fanaticism; throughout the long struggle, in which she was a prominent actor, she kept her fine sense of humor, good taste, and sensibility to the beautiful in art and nature. The opposition she met with from those who had shared her confidence and friendship was of course keenly felt, but her kindly and genial disposition remained unsoured.

"And yet, Sibyll, this young man can in all, save wealth and a sounding name, give thee more than I can, a heart undarkened by moody memories, a temper unsoured by the world's dread and bitter lore of man's frailty and earth's sorrow.

But in Ulysses, Shakespeare, acting upon a mere hint, filling up a mere traditionary outline, drew a man of mature years, of wide observation, of profoundest cogitative power, one who knew all the weakness and all the wiles of human nature, and who yet remained with blood unbittered and soul unsoured a man who saw through all shams and fathomed all motives, and who yet was not scornful of his kind, not misanthropic, hardly cynical except in passing moods; and what other man was this than Shakespeare himself?

Her philanthropy had no taint of fanaticism; throughout the long struggle, in which she was a prominent actor, she kept her fine sense of humor, good taste, and sensibility to the beautiful in art and nature. The opposition she met with from those who had shared her confidence and friendship was of course keenly felt, but her kindly and genial disposition remained unsoured.

The feelings of these young men, full of eager hopes, and as yet unsoured by too rough handling in their wrestle with the world, suddenly transferred to the deck of the Jersey, has been well described by Fox and other captives, whose adventures we have transcribed in these pages.

The tone of the life depicted is usually glad; but even where discomfort and sorrow break it, Hawthorne's unflinching endurance suggests unsoured activity and a brave glance. I will preserve, as well as I can by selections, the effect produced upon me by the many packages of letters which I opened some years ago.

"And yet, Sibyll, this young man can in all, save wealth and a sounding name, give thee more than I can, a heart undarkened by moody memories, a temper unsoured by the world's dread and bitter lore of man's frailty and earth's sorrow.

In the hours of their own affliction they retain their courage and keep their minds unsoured. They are the sure-enough "good fellows" of life and their presence is the signal for instantaneous good cheer. We all know them by their gentle knock at the door.

He was so genuine and so modest and so genialunsoured by the great and various sorrows of which he used sometimes to talk to me by the cosy study firenay, sweetened by them, as I often thoughtso grateful for the smallest service rendered in an arena where ingratitude sometimes seems to be the vis motrix of life—a truly lovable man, if ever there was one. I drove over to Ventnor.

You don't know the smart of being only an arithmetical quantity in a world of achievements and possessions." "No," said the preacher, "maybe I haven't. But I should say you are just the sort of man that ought to come through all that unsoured and unhurt. Richling," he put on a lighter mood, "you've got a moral indigestion.