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The interest which foreign peoples take in our civil war proceeds from two causes chiefly, though there are minor causes that help swell the force of the current of feeling. The first of these causes is the contemplation of the check which has been given by the war's occurrence to our march to universal American dominion.

A God universal and personal, altogether different from the individual God of a rigid metaphysical monotheism. I must advert here once again to my view of the opposition that exists between individuality and personality, notwithstanding the fact that the one demands the other.

It reminded me of the mode of visiting our own dear Friends in England; we find in the hearts of these visited children of the Universal Parent genuine hospitality; they hand us of all they have in their houses in the name of disciples. At Locle they were met by Mary Anne Calame, with whom their hearts became instantly knit in the strongest Christian friendship.

It is in this interval between the particular representation and the universal conception that the germs of the greatest human differences are found.

But yet, somehow or other, although Major Clifford was an universal favourite, they always forgot to reward him. A man of the world, would have deemed the Major's ideas to be rather contracted; and to confess the truth, there were two halcyon periods of his life, to which he was fond of recurring.

Man alone modifies his environment by the weapon of science; but not radically; in the end he has to fit himself to it. Life has been able to adjust itself to the universal forces and so go along with them; otherwise we should not be here. We may say, humanly speaking, that the water is friendly to the swimmer, if he knows how to use it; if not, it is his deadly enemy.

I had the high honor of being deputed to come to the funeral as the representative of America, and by my presence to express the deep and universal feeling of sympathy which moves the entire American people for the British people in their hour of sadness and trial.

They were the conscript-guard. Johnson's look was despairing. "Why, Billy, what in thunder ? Thought you were sick in bed!" Another minute and the soldiers took in the situation by instinct and Johnson's rage was drowned in the universal explosion of laughter. The boys had captured a member of the conscript-guard.

He discovered that the contents consisted of three family parties exclusive of the honeymoon couple and that the appearance of universal fraternity was deceptive, that the parties were exclusive, the conversation of each being confined to its own members.

In Paris people eat with their teeth, and trifle with their pleasure; in the provinces things are done naturally, and interest is perhaps rather too much concentrated on the grand and universal means of existence to which God has condemned his creatures.