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But, most of all, from his triumph and the abasement of his enemies dates the concentration of power in the hands of the President as the real unifying centre of authority. His attitude towards his Cabinet has been imitated by all strong Presidents since. America does not take kindly to a President who shirks personal responsibility or hides behind his Ministers.

Experience in other democratic Nations at war Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand has shown that the very existence of national service makes unnecessary the widespread use of compulsory power. National service has proven to be a unifying moral force based on an equal and comprehensive legal obligation of all people in a Nation at war.

Fortunately events were to unify the heterogeneous elements of the country, at least for the moment, in a way that simplified greatly the President's problem. Not the least of the unifying forces was to be found in German psychology, which led the Imperial Government to believe that the United States could be rendered helpless through the intrigues of German spies.

Nevertheless the distinction between an omnibus like Europe and a symbol like France is not sharp. The history of states and empires reveals times when the scope of the unifying idea increases and also times when it shrinks. One cannot say that men have moved consistently from smaller loyalties to larger ones, because the facts will not bear out the claim.

But the ideal state, a state answering to that rhythm of work and prayer which should be the norm of a mature spirituality, is one in which we have achieved that mental flexibility and control which puts us in full possession of our autistic and our realistic powers; balancing and unifying the inner and the outer world.

Neither blood, nor territory, nor language, but only the fact of being more or less compactly organized in a political society, will be found to yield the unifying principle required.

Katie looked about at so much of the world as her vision afforded: Prosperous factories beautiful homes hundreds of other homes less beautiful, but comfortable looking some other very humble homes which yet looked habitable, the beautifully kept Government island in between the two cities, seeming to stand for something stable and unifying far away hills and a distant sky line a steamboat going through the splendid Government bridge, automobiles and carriages and farm wagons passing over that bridge this man who mended the boats, this young man so live that thoughts of life could change him as a sculptor can change his clay dear little Worth who was happily building a raft, the beautiful dog lying there drawing restoration from the breath of the water "But it doesn't look as though it needed 'saving," said Katie.

It is to quit the plane of First Cause and descend into the realm of secondary causation and lose ourselves amid the confusion of a multiplicity of relative causes and effects without grasping any unifying principle behind them.

Thus Leo XIII has but one desire, one object, that of unifying the Church, of drawing all the dissident communities to it in order that it may be invincible in the coming social struggle.

In unifying the various parts of school education, and in bringing them into close connection with children's other experiences, the school life fulfills one of its chief duties. Among other things tending toward consistency of character there must be harmony between the school and home life of a child.