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Grace and Cleo led, then came Margaret and Louise, Julia and Helen, besides Isabel Gantor and Elizabeth Bissell, two True Treds who had come down that very afternoon, and altogether they made a fine showing for the scouts. After the first flush of excitement the usual exchange of compliments occupied the girls.

The lesson had been noted "Satisfactory" and Captain Clark had good reason to be proud of her True Treds. The words of Frank Apgar still rang in the frightened ears of Tessie, when she stole away from the Osborne place, so very early the following morning. Now her continued failures were assuming discouraging proportions indeed, and she knew the result of "borrowing" that ticket money.

The captain dusted off the wooden settee, and pulled out all his chairs, for the True Treds were meeting as if in council. "It's about Kitty," he began. "Of course, you have guessed that. But what set me on this course was the way you have made friends with that heedless one. Seems to me you would stick by her in a pinch."

For the True Treds were not yet in the scientific fishing class, and a cork float was voted the best means of telling when one might have a bite. It seemed the girls were scarcely settled when the signal came. "I've got one!" suddenly cried Cleo, and she did manage to land, flapping on the grass back of her, a good-sized chub. "Oh, you're perfectly wonderful!" cried Grace. "However did you do it?"

When they reached the dock the launch was about ready to start, and piling in they soon found themselves again facing Sea Crest Pier. So the afternoon had been one of surprise and disappointment. "WE must have a regular scout meeting," announced Cleo. "We may get into trouble if we are not careful. Grace, have you rounded up all the True Treds?"

Margaret said the other day we were acting as if we had a troop of our own instead of being True Treds." "We would be perfectly safe in telling Margaret," Cleo followed. "And she can help us best because she has already received a merit badge." "And lost it," added Grace. "Received another," amended Madaline.

"But she rows like an Indian. Here come the girls. Now we will have a chance to talk it all over." The arrival of Helen, Mary, Louise, and Julia completed the group, and presently a summer session of the True Treds was under way. To the newcomers at Sea Crest the whole situation was explained, and nothing short of consternation followed its recital.