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Those pleasures have indeed pursued me hither; the amiable Countess Ferris has not forgotten us; her attentions are numerous, tender, and polite. I went to the play with her, where I was unlucky enough to miss the representation of Romeo and Juliet, which was acted the night before with great applause, under the name of Tragedia Veronese.

The mausoleum, to form a canopy for which the building was designed, dwindled down at last to the statue of "Moses" thrust out of the way in the church of S. Pietro in Vincoli. "La tragedia della Sepoltura," as Condivi aptly terms the history of Giulio's monument, began thus in 1505 and dragged on till 1545.

Symonds says that during the Dark Ages that followed upon this first battle between faith and sight, the meaning of Latin words derived from the Greek was lost; that Homer and Virgil were believed to be contemporaries, and "Orestes Tragedia" was supposed to be the name of an author.

Con esto, y con que después se le antoje el que yo tuve arte o parte en el negocio ... y me atraviese como un palomino.... Dígole a usted que ... vamos, por más que lo miro y lo remiro ... no hay escapatoria ... tiene que acabar la tragedia ... porque a la altura en que estamos ... es claro que o se matan ellos o los mata D. Pedro, o me mata éste a ... o se mata él ... o nos morimos todos de pesadumbre ... lo dicho ... tiene que haber muertes ... tiene que haberlas necesariamente ... a menos que un milagro....

In 1574 on the occasion of the visit of Henri III to Venice, the doge ordered a performance of a piece called simply "Tragedia," which had choruses and some other music by the great Claudio Merulo, composer of the first definitely designed instrumental works.