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Hawaiian station will call later, but have little hope of re-establishing connection. Tokyohama 10.46 Official, via Potomac National Headquarters. Excitement here continues. Levels crowded " Elza dropped the tape. "That's all of importance. Venus Central Station warning you, father." A buzz across the room called the doctor to his personal receiver.

"With many hours yet before the Earth Council Ultimatum expires, it is unofficially reported that Tarrano has sent his note in answer. Its text, we are reliably informed, is now in the hands of our Governments at Great London, Greater New York, Tokyohama and Mombozo. Helios of it also have been sent to Tarrano's own government of Venus and to the Little People of Mars.

Mingled with his voice, the Inter-Allied announcer was saying: "Greater-New York 10.32 Martian Helio, via Tokyohama: Little People Proclamation " A man standing near the tape switched off the droning voice. At the receiving table, every few seconds came the buzz of the laboratory's call. Wrangel Island again calling Robins; but no one paid any heed. Argo finished at the mirror.

The President of the Anglo-Saxon Republic was murdered at 5:10. It was the first of the new murders. I say new murders, for not in two hundred years had the life of so high an official been wilfully taken. But it was only the first. At 6:15 word came from Tokyohama, that the ruler of Allied Mongolia was dead murdered under similar circumstances.

Above my desk, in a duplicating mirror from Headquarters, I could see that at the palace of Mombozo a throng of terrified blacks were gathered. It was night there a blurred scene of flashing lights and frightened, milling people. Greys next to me had a mirror tuned to Tokyohama. The sun there was shining upon almost a similar scene of panic. Black and yellow men on opposite sides of the Earth.

The present Ambassadors of the Venus Central State to the Earth there were three of them, one each in Great London, Tokyohama and Mombozo this new government requested that we send them back to the Great City as prisoners of the Tarrano forces. Other Ambassadors, representing the new government, would be sent to the Earth.