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Updated: December 13, 2024
'It's no for that, sir; but I would like ill to be bragged wi' him; he threeps he'll bring a score o' witnesses and mair, and I'm sure there's as mony will swear for me as for him, folk that lived a' their days upon the Charlie's Hope, and wadna like to see the land lose its right. 'Zounds, man, if it be a point of honour, said the lawyer, 'why don't your landlords take it up?
'It's no for that, sir; but I would like ill to be bragged wi' him; he threeps he'll bring a score o' witnesses and mair, and I'm sure there's as mony will swear for me as for him, folk that lived a' their days upon the Charlie's Hope, and wadna like to see the land lose its right. 'Zounds, man, if it be a point of honour, said the lawyer, 'why don't your landlords take it up?
The Doctor, when he returned to his patient's apartment, found his wife in great surprise, which, as is usual with persons of her character, was not unmixed with fear and anxiety. "She cannot speak a word like a Christian being," said Mrs. Gray. "I know it," said the Doctor. "But she threeps to keep on a black fause-face, and skirls if we offer to take it away."
'It's no for that, sir; but I would like ill to be bragged wi' him; he threeps he'll bring a score o' witnesses and mair, and I'm sure there's as mony will swear for me as for him, folk that lived a' their days upon the Charlie's Hope, and wadna like to see the land lose its right. 'Zounds, man, if it be a point of honour, said the lawyer, 'why don't your landlords take it up?
Ye ken, Jenny, Halliday aye threeps he had a promise frae yoursell." "Halliday's a liar, and ye're naething but a gomeril to hearken till him, Cuddie. And then for this leddy's choice, lack-a-day! ye may be sure a' the gowd Mr. Morton has is on the outside o' his coat; and how can he keep Leddy Margaret and the young leddy?" "Isna there Milnwood?" said Cuddie.
They would crack often o' nights with my ain family, and tell them that Christ had saved the souls o' men, but that birds and beasts were perishable as the dew o' heaven. And now ye have a black-gowned man in Threepdaidle who threeps on the same overcome. Ye may a' ken something o' your ain kitchen midden, but certes! ye ken little o' the warld beyond it."
Ye ken, Jenny, Halliday aye threeps he had a promise frae yoursell." "Halliday's a liar, and ye're naething but a gomeril to hearken till him, Cuddie. And then for this leddy's choice, lack-a-day! ye may be sure a' the gowd Mr. Morton has is on the outside o' his coat; and how can he keep Leddy Margaret and the young leddy?" "Isna there Milnwood?" said Cuddie.
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