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The coherer until recently has been spasmodic, until we had Hammond's mercury steel- disc coherer and now my own. Why," he cried, "we are just on the threshold, now, of this great science which Tesla has named telautomatics the electric arm that we can stretch out through space to do our work and fight our battles."

It goes where I direct it. It explodes where I want it. And it wipes off the face of the earth anything which I want annihilated. "That's telautomatics, and that is what has been stolen from our navy and dimly sensed by you clever newspaper men, from whom even the secret service can't quite hide everything.

For years he has been working on this science of radio- telautomatics, has all kinds of patents, which he has dedicated to the United States, too. Of course the basic, pioneer patents are not his. His work has been in the practical application of them.

"The policy of secrecy which governments keep in regard to submarines," remarked the captain, running his eye over everything at once, it seemed, "has led them to be looked upon as something mysterious. But whatever you may think of telautomatics, there is really no mystery about an ordinary submarine." I did not agree with our "Captain Nemo," as, the examination completed, he threw in a switch.

The rewrite men on the Record didn't have the facts, but they had accurate imaginations. The most vital secret that any navy ever had, that would have enabled us in a couple of years to whip the navies of the world combined against us, has been stolen." "And that is?" I asked. "The practical working-out of the newest of sciences, the science of telautomatics." "Telautomatics?" I repeated. "Yes.

I fancied I could see on the Z99 the overturned accumulators. I imagined the stifling fumes, the struggle for breath in the suddenly darkened hull. Almost as if it had happened half an hour ago, I saw it. "Thank God for telautomatics," I murmured, as the thought swept over me of what we had escaped. "No one was aboard her, at least."

"The one thing, you may not know, that has kept us back while wireless telegraphy has gone ahead so fast is that in wireless we have been able to discard coherers and relays and use detectors and microphones in their places. But in telautomatics we have to keep the coherer. That has been the barrier.