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"Is the little creetur sick?" "No; but she is not very strong, Uncle Jack," was Leah's reply. "Teethin', maybe? Teethin' ginerally goes hard with the little ones." "Yes," Leah answered, "teething has made her delicate." "La, chile, the cap'n tells me you are bound for the Queen City; ain't you afeerd to go thar now, sich a power of shellin' goin' on thar?"

What do you suppose she thinks we want a baby for?" "'Spect she's been practicin' on it, so's to take care o' us, Si," said Shorty. "I believe we've been more trouble to your father than we wuz to our mothers when we wuz teethin'." "I've bin repaid for all, more'n repaid for all," said the Deacon; "especially since I'm once more back home, and out o' the reach o' the Sheriffs o' Tennessee.

Mechanically, however, when the hour arrived to return to his day's task, he stole down the stairs, and lo, at the very door of the house Bill's children were at play, and in the hand of the eldest he recognized what he called his "curril." "Your curril!" interrupted St. John. "Yes, curril, vot the little 'uns bite afore they gets their teethin'." St.

And she went over such a lot of unjust laws that I didn't know but she wuz right, and that we wuz jest about as bad off in some things. They marry dretful young in China. Little babies are engaged to be married right whilst they're teethin', but they can't marry I guess till they are ten or twelve years old. From Canton we went back to Hongkong, intendin' to go from there to Calcutta.

Relations ’twixt sheep and cattle men in this yere country is strained beyant the goin’-back place, I can tell you. My pistol-eye ’ain’t had a wink of sleep for nigh on eighteen months, an’ is broke to wakefulness same as a teethin’ babe. "Jim was wild as a coyote ’fore he marries that girl.

"Vot should I do vith it? I've had enuff of the 'sponsibility. Put it up in a 'ankerchiff, and p'r'aps ven master gets married, and 'as a babby vots teethin', he vil say, 'Thank ye, Beck, for your curril. Vould not that make us proud, mammy?"