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The two branches of the legal profession Barristers and Solicitors are amalgamated, but in practice they are usually kept distinct. A jury consists of seven, of whom a majority of five can give a verdict. Education is well endowed in Tasmania.

CLITHEROE, October 14th, 1859. In the "Field" of some weeks since, it was stated that the colonists of Tasmania were offering a large reward for the introduction of live Salmon, Salmon fry, or the fertilized ova of Salmon.

Tasmania, which in natural characteristics and climate reminded us of the old country, was visited when our faces were at length turned homeward.

Thus many of the settlers became wealthy, and the estates from which their wealth was derived began to have a correspondingly high value, so as to give the colony an assured prosperity which was certainly remarkable in the sixteenth year from its foundation. Another industry was added, which indirectly contributed to the wealth of Tasmania.

Relying upon the reports of Tasman, he considered New Zealand and "la terre de Diemen" that is, Tasmania too distant and too little known for an experiment; whilst the narratives of Dampier did not make those parts of New Holland that he had visited the west and north of Australia appear attractive.

A year later, the second year of the gold, during which it was estimated that fifteen millions of gold had been washed out of the drifts, chiefly of Ballarat and Bendigo, the colony was already flooded, and no wonder, by the convict element from Tasmania.

He intended to come back if he could, and so did I for that matter. Well, the long and short of it was that we were both regularly engaged and had made all kinds of plans to be married at Christmas and go over to Tasmania or New Zealand, when this terrible blow fell upon us like a shell. I did see one explode at a review in Melbourne and, my word! what a scatteration it made.

Or how is it when they are on the same seaboard further north, they don't ascend these rivers, unless there are some such objections to their doing so? And if these objections really exist, then do they not equally exist in the rivers of Australia and Tasmania?

Very soon they found the pastoral lands of Tasmania too limited, and as Edward Henty had in one of his coasting voyages seen the sealers at Portland Bay and noticed how numerous the whales were in that bay, and how fine the grassy lands that lay within, he chartered a vessel, the Thistle, and crossed in her to settle at Portland Bay with servants, sheep, cattle, and horses.

It was done for the convenience of themselves and their customers. Some of the stamps of Mexico have a still larger perforation gauging . The finest gauge is about 19. This is an unofficial perforation and was applied to some of the early stamps of Tasmania. We show you here a variety of perforations. The first two are ordinary perforations of different gauges, and 14.