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Delany and the Irish saw with Swift's eyes, and therefore add little confirmation.

There are no subtle strokes of wit in it such as we find in some of Swift's ironical pieces. Incomparably more effective as an engine of controversy, it is not entitled to the same rank as a literary exercise.

The agitation of the sea rocked even the mighty CAMBARANIAN and, had our friends been aboard the frail raft, they would surely have perished in the sea. As it was, they were safe saved by Tom Swift's wireless message. The steamer resumed her voyage, and the castaways told their story. Captain Valasquez refused to receive the large amount of money Mr. Hasbrook and Mr.

A dispassionate student of the condition of Ireland between the years of Swift's birth and death between, say, 1667 and 1745 could rise from that study in no unprejudiced mood. It would be difficult for him to avoid the conclusion that the government of Ireland by England had not only degraded the people of the vassal nation, but had proved a disgrace and a stigma on the ruling nation.

There are many types of submarines, some comparatively simple and small, and others large and complex. In some it is possible for the crew to live many days without coming to the surface. Tom Swift's reconstructed craft compared favorably with the best and largest ever made, though she was not of exceptional size.

Swift's inspiration may have been mingled with bitter disappointment and personal revenge; but, whatever motives animated him, his fearless use of his great abilities must always make him the first political, as he was certainly the first literary character of Ireland at that day.

Compare his style with Bacon's, Swift's, Addison's, and Gibbon's. Goldsmith. What change did She Stoops to Conquer bring to the stage? What qualities keep the play alive? Johnson. Representative selections are given in Craik, IV., 141-185. Let the student who has the time read Johnson's Dryden entire. Compare the style of Johnson with that of Gibbon and Burke.

Swift's satiric definition of happiness as the art "of being well deceived" is a characteristic instance of a combination of his humor and pessimistic philosophy. James Library . Although this satire apparently aims to demonstrate the superior merits of the great classical writers, it is mainly an attack on pretentions to knowledge.

Speaking of the noble family of Boyle, he said, that all the Lord Orrerys, till the present, had been writers. The first wrote several plays ; the second was Bentley's antagonist; the third wrote the Life of Swift, and several other things; his son Hamilton wrote some papers in the Adventurer and World. He told us, he was well acquainted with Swift's Lord Orrery.

It was not therefore Squire Richard whom Johnson quoted, but his sister. See ante, p. 191. See Macaulay's Essays, ed. 1843, i. 353, for his application of this story. 'This day then let us not be told, That you are sick, and I grown old; Nor think on our approaching ills, And talk of spectacles and pills. Swift's Lines on Stella's Birthday, 1726-27. Works, ed. 1803, xi. 21. Dr.