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Some one had been before them. Have you any theories, Miss Van Teyl?" "I can tell you who has," she replied. "Do you remember when we were all grouped around that notice Mefiez-vous! Taisez-vous! Les oreilles ennemies vous ecoutent!?" "Of course I do," he assented. "Do you remember Baron Sunyea making a remark afterwards? He had been standing by and heard everything Graham said."

Where do I go?" "I'll show you," Lutchester volunteered. "Hurry up." The two men sprang up the stairs towards the dressing-room, and Holderness strolled back to where his sister and Pamela were talking to a small, dark young man, with rather high cheek-bones and olive complexion. Pamela turned around with a smile. "I have found an old friend," she told him. "Baron Sunyea Captain Holderness.

"I will admit that I brought Nikasti here with a purpose, but upon my honour I swear that until this evening I never dreamed that he even knew of the existence of the formula." "Oh! we are not the only people in the world who are clever," Pamela declared, with an unnatural little laugh. "The first man who took note of Sandy Graham's silly words as he rushed into Henry's was Baron Sunyea.

Baron Sunyea used to be in the Japanese Embassy at Washington." The two men shook hands. "I was interested," the Japanese said slowly, "in your conversation just now about that notice. Your young friend was telling you news very loudly indeed, it seemed to me, which you would not like known across the North Sea. Am I not right?"

"If I had," she smiled, "I should not tell you." "But come," he expostulated, "the thing's no use to you." "So Baron Sunyea evidently thought," she laughed. "We'll leave that, if you don't mind." Lutchester was still looking a little bewildered. "I had an idea when I came in," he muttered, "that things were a little scrappy between you and the Japanese gentleman." She was suddenly serious.

Only a quarter of an hour ago that Japanese valet of my brother's, having searched my rooms in vain, demanded from me that formula!" "From you?" Lutchester gasped. "But you haven't got it!" "Of course not. On the other hand Sunyea pitched upon me as being one of the possible thieves, and cabled his instructions over." "Have you got it?" he asked abruptly.