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I remember a growth of thorny plants, with spines that stabbed like pen-knives. I emerged bleeding and with torn clothes upon the lip of a long creek opening northward. I went straight into the water without a minute's hesitation, wading up the creek, and presently finding myself kneedeep in a little stream.

He caught a branch full of half-open burrs, and peered eagerly in them till he found one to his mind, and pulled it off regardless of the pricking spines, then came and kneeled at her side, and said, "Now, Annie, dear, look into it carefully. This is nature's oracle. You see two solid, plump chestnuts." "Well?" she said, faintly. "And you see this false, empty form of shell between them?"

They went to Santa Croce, they walked through the crowded market, they had a merry dispute about ascending the campanile. "Just this one you really must let me try," said Erica, "they say it is very easy." "To people without spines perhaps it may be," said Raeburn. "But think of the view from the top," said Erica, "and it really won't hurt me.

Larvae, about one-third of an inch; head, brown, shiny, and globulous. 2d stage. Larvae, dark-brown, almost black; spines, white at the base, and black at the extremities; head shiny and light brown. 3d stage. Larve, fine black; head black; white hairs on the back; spines, whitish, buff, or yellowish at the base, and black at the extremities; other larvae of a brown color. 4th stage.

"I have fetched you a lot more plants and roots, and the spines of that big cat-fish I told you about. Here's another curiosity the wing of a queer bird that I don't know maybe you will I shot the fowl flying. I see you own a rifle!" "Yes," answered the recluse, placing the piece in Plutarch's hands. "You are familiar with American guns. What is your opinion of this one?

She whirled upon him like a catamount and her weak blue eyes watered in a way they had when she was about to show the hardness of a Lucretia Borgia. Her voice, too, that quivered as though on the verge of tears, had a quality in it which sent shivers up and down the spines of those who were familiar with it. "Lannigan, what did I tell you?"

The sun shone brightly upon millions of glittering gems, most of which adorned the leaves of the hazels, the ferns, and the spines and blossoms of the gold and tawny furze; but others had formed upon certain peculiar patches of cloth, a singularly-shaped piece of checked flannel, and a square of something white.

Thirty species are included in the genus, their stems ranging from 1 ft. to 3 ft. in height, the ridges straight, and, as a rule, large; whilst all have stiff stout spines in clusters about 1 in. apart. The small flowers are succeeded by bright red, cherry-like berries, containing numerous black, shining seeds.

Extremely feeble from cold and privation, and knowing, as all Nature's wildlings seem to know, that sunlight brings with it health and strength, she presently left the shadow of the tree-trunk, and, closing her eyes, basked in complete enjoyment of the balmy day. The heat and the gentle wind soon dried her armour of spines and surcoat of leaves.

In short, he quite justified the assurance formerly given to Sally, that the story of Robinson Crusoe would make the hair of his hearers stand on end, their sides almost split open, and the very marrow in their spines wriggle.