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Standing at the celebrated bow-window for some moments in musing silence, Lord Spendquick at last thus addressed an exceedingly cynical, sceptical old roue, "Pray, do you think there is any truth in the stories about people in former times selling themselves to the devil?" "Ugh," answered the rout, much too wise ever to be surprised. "Have you any personal interest in the question?"

Avenel, with a serious, thoughtful face, and a slow step, approached the group. Nor did the great Roman general more nervously "flutter the dove-cots in Corioli," than did the advance of the supposed X. Y. agitate the bosoms of Lord Spendquick and his sympathizing friends.

"Oh," said Avenel, "public men, whom we pay, are public property, aren't they, my Lord?" appealing to Spendquick. "Certainly," said Spendquick, with great spirit, " public property, or why should we pay them? There must be a very strong motive to induce us to do that! I hate paying people. In fact," he subjoined in an aside, "I never do." "However," resumed Mr.

Nay, when the wit tried once to show him up or mystify him, Dick answered with a bluff spirit, that, though very coarse, was found so humorous by Lord Spendquick and other gentlemen similarly situated in the money-market that they turned the laugh against the wit, and silenced him for the rest of the night, a circumstance which made the party go off much more pleasantly.

Your grand mistake, Monsieur le Comte, is in thinking that the 'Flying Dutchman' is yours. With many apologies for interfering with your intention to purchase it, I beg to inform you that Lord Spendquick has kindly sold it to me. Nevertheless, Monsieur le Comte, for the next few weeks I place it men and all at your service." Peschiera smiled scornfully.