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"Don't you bother about the Dandy," he said; "bushmen have a sixth sense, and know a pal when they see one." Just a bushman's pretty speech, aimed straight at the heart of a woman, where all the pretty speeches of the bushfolk are aimed; for it is by the heart that they judge us.

She was more respectful than she had been of late, and made no attempts at smart, ill-natured speeches. "It's a weary life, Miss, this you're living here, isn't it?" said she. Margaret said that it was weary, but that there could be no change till the lawsuit should be settled. It would be settled, she hoped, in April. "Bother it for a lawsuit," said Mrs Buggins.

During the spring of 1886 there were many strikes and a great deal of excitement growing out of the "eight-hour movement in Chicago." There was much disorder. On the evening of May 4 a meeting was held in what was known as Haymarket Square, at this meeting three of the condemned made speeches.

In this way we obtained considerable information, mostly about the very ancient history of the Animal Kingdom; but we missed a good many of the finer points in the snail's longer speeches on account of the stupidity of the starfish and all this translating from one language to another.

The various candidates were presented by prominent speakers, and most of the speeches were thoroughly good; but unquestionably the best, from an oratorical point of view, was made on the nomination of Mr. Edmunds by Governor Long of Massachusetts.

How would she greet him when they met presently on the tennis lawn? With tears and entreaties, and pretty little deprecating speeches, irresolution, timidity, vacillation, perhaps; hardly with heroic resolve to act and dare for his sake. There was no one on the tennis lawn when he went there, though the hour was close at hand at which Lesbia had promised to give him his answer.

The sweetest singing-birds of England came and tried to cheer its solitude with their happy voices. The summer breezes came with their softest breath, whispering through brake, bush and brier the little speeches of Nature's life.

The candidate is advised to 'show himself continually, to give away prizes, to 'say a few words' at the end of other people's speeches all under circumstances which offer little or no opportunity for the formation of a reasoned opinion of his merits, but many opportunities for the rise of a purely instinctive affection among those present.

Heyst's tone was light, with the flavour of playfulness which seasoned all his speeches and seemed to be of the very essence of his thoughts.

And it is pleasant to know that before Bacon died he was able to write that the experiment had succeeded "excellently well." In his will Bacon left his name and memory "to men's charitable speeches, to foreign nations and to the next ages," and he was right to do so, for in spite of all the dark shadows that hang about his name men still call him great.