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"And I want to say that he don't need to. I once heard of a feller who didn't. He kept on and he didn't do no harm to nobody. And the Captain here wouldn't neither. So what I say is he don't need to," and Snoopy sat down with the whole brotherhood gazing at him in silence and amazed perplexity, not one of them being able to attach the faintest meaning to Snoopy's amazing oration.

Very clever, I confess, but no hockey. I happen to know that Maitland was quite hot about it." But Hugh and Vic only laughed at him. "He is a clever little beggar, is Snoopy," said Vic. "But, meantime," said Mrs. Templeton, "where is Jack! He was going to be here, was he not?" "Feasting and dancing, I expect," said Rupert.

One by one Captain Jack's team were passed in review the defence, Macnamara and "Jack" Johnson, so called for his woolly white head; "Reddy" Hughes, Ross, "Snoopy" Sykes, who with Captain Jack made the forward line, all were declared to be fit to deliver the last ounce in their bodies, the last flicker in their souls.

After a few moments of dazed silence that followed Maitland's announcement of his resignation, Snoopy rose and, encouraged by the cheers of his astonished comrades, began the maiden speech of his life. "Mr. President," he shouted. "Go to it, Snoopy, old boy." "I never made a speech in my life, never " "Good, old scout, never begin younger! Cheerio, old son!"

"What I said was this," he began indignantly. Again there was a roar of laughter. "Say, you fellers, shut up and give a feller a chance. The Captain wants to resign. I say 'No. He is a darned good scout. We want him and we won't let him go. Let him keep his card." "By the powers," roared Macnamara, "it is a goal, Snoopy. It's a humdinger. I second the motion."

"One moment," I said. "Let me make my position clear in this matter: This Lady Susanna I do not know her last name, but you will doubtless recall the person I mean, because I saw several pictures of her yesterday in your national art gallery this Lady Susanna may have enjoyed taking a bath with a lot of snoopy old elders lurking round in the background; but I am not so constituted.

At length Fatty Findlay, another of the voiceless ones, but the very special pal of Snoopy Sykes, broke forth in a puzzled voice: "Say it again, Snoopy." There was a roar of laughter, which only grew in volume as Snoopy turned toward his brothers a wrathful and bewildered countenance. "No," said another voice. "Say something else, Snoopy. Shoot a goal this time." Again Snoopy rose.

"About eight minutes, I should say," replied Hugh Maynard, the big Captain of the Eagles. "Well, eight minutes," continued Patricia, taking up the tale, "and then they began the roughhouse business. Jumbo Larson a terribly big Swede, Mamma put it all over little Snoopy. Chucked him about, wiped the ice with him!" "My dear!" exclaimed her mother. "Well, you know what I mean.

He rushes down and pretends to make the circle of the goal. But this time he doesn't. He tears like mad around the goal with the puck, Snoopy tears like mad around the goal from the other side, the defence all rush over to the left to check them, leaving the right wide open.

But Hugh said: "It was not really not quite so bad as Patricia makes it, sir. Rough at times, of course, but, on the whole, clean." "Clean," cried Patricia, "what about Jumbo's swing at Snoopy?" "Oh, well, Snoopy had the puck, you know. It was a little off-colour, I must confess." "And now, Daddy," said Patricia, going at her father again, "we all want to go down to the dance.