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A string band, a perfectly equipped laboratory where I can indulge my passion for research, a high-powered auto, wine of the rarest ah!" Van Heerden looked at his companion curiously. "That appeals to you, does it? For me, the control of finance. Endless schemes of fortune; endless smashings of rivals, railways, ships, great industries juggled and shuffled that is the life I plan."

Yes, I too obeyed the Kaiser and went home and prayed; but what I prayed was that Germany should be beaten so beaten, so punished for this tremendous crime, that she will be jerked by main force into line with modern life, dragged up to date, taught that the world is too grown up now to put up with the smashings and destructions of a greedy and brutal child.

I closed the doors, sent the porter to his place in the Foreign Legion, and ran to the levee to see the sights. "What a gathering! the riff-raff of the wharves, the town, the gutters. Such women! such wrecks of women! and all the juvenile rag-tag. The lower steamboat-landing, well covered with sugar, rice, and molasses, was being rifled. The men smashed; the women scooped up the smashings.

His adventures, his sellings and his returning, his lettings and his unlettings, his bumpings and spillings, his smashings and crashings, on the road, in the field, in single and in double harness, would furnish a volume of themselves; and in default of a more able historian, we purpose blending his future fortune with that of 'Ercles, in the service of our hero Mr.

The wreck and ruin strewn about the floor consorted with the ruin of his fortunes; let all go smash what was the use of caring? Now in his frenzy, he, ordinarily so careful, seemed to delight in the smashings and the breakings; they suited his despair. He saw that his spirit of destruction frightened them, too, and that was another reason to indulge it.

Like 'em to lie on, though sun, I like your jolly red-hot face Sunday! wonder if's got to do with sun p'raps twinkle, twinkle, little sun, how I wonder oh, what fun! won't I have sich wonderful tales tales tails stories are tails stick 'em on the end of puppy-dogs, and see how they'd look two or three two-legged puppies in the office what a difference now! no ink-bottles, no smashings, no quills, plenty of geese, though, and grouse and hares what was I thinking about?