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"The above are the contents of the Eighteen Parvas. The number of slokas contained in the Harivansa is twelve thousand." These are the contents of the section called Parva-sangraha. Sauti continued, "Eighteen Akshauhinis of troops came together for battle. The encounter that ensued was terrible and lasted for eighteen days.

The number of sections, in this is one hundred and forty-six. The number of slokas is eight thousand. "Then comes the fourteenth Parva Aswamedhika. In this is the excellent story of Samvarta and Marutta. The battles of Arjuna the son of Pandu, while following the sacrificial horse let loose, with various princes who in wrath seized it.

In this, leaving his brothers who dropped one after another and Draupadi also, Yudhishthira went on his journey without once looking back on them. This the seventeenth Parva is called Mahaprasthanika. The number of sections in this is three. The number of slokas also composed by Vyasa cognisant of truth is three hundred and twenty.

Let me remind the reader that the Vedas are divided into two parts: chandas slokas, verses, etc.; and mantrams prayers and rhythmical hymns, which are, at the same time, incantations used in white magic. The ancients, he says, had no knowledge of gold, and, therefore, if gold is mentioned in this mantram it means that the mantram was composed at a comparatively modern epoch, and so on.

This is the great seventh Parva of the Bharata in which all the heroic chiefs and princes mentioned were sent to their account. The number of sections in this is one hundred and seventy. The number of slokas as composed in the Drona Parva by Rishi Vyasa, the son of Parasara and the possessor of true knowledge after much meditation, is eight thousand, nine hundred and nine.

And after the tortoise had said all this, there came from the celestial regions a car. And an aerial voice was heard which said, addressing Indradyumna, "Come thou and obtain the place thou deservest in heaven! Thy achievements are great! Come thou cheerfully to thy place! Here also are certain slokas: The report of virtuous deeds spreadeth over the earth and ascendeth to heaven.

The number of sections in this is forty-two, and the number of slokas composed by Vyasa cognisant of truth is one thousand five hundred and six. "After this, you know, comes the Maushala of painful incidents. He then caused the cremation of the bodies of the illustrious Krishna and Balarama and of the principal members of the Vrishni race.

And Utanka then glorified the serpents by the following slokas: "Ye Serpents, subjects of King Airavata, splendid in battle and showering weapons in the field like lightning-charged clouds driven by the winds! Handsome and of various forms and decked with many coloured ear-rings, ye children of Airavata, ye shine like the Sun in the firmament!

These two hundred and twenty-seven chapters contain eight thousand eight hundred and eighty-four slokas. The second is the extensive parva called Sabha or the assembly, full of matter.

In this Parva, Bhima, in fulfilment of his vow, having ripped open Dussasana's breast in battle drank the blood of his heart. Then Arjuna slew the great Karna in single combat. Readers of the Bharata call this the eighth Parva. The number of sections in this is sixty-nine and the number of slokas is four thousand, nine hundred and sixty-tour.

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