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"It is slack-water, Sir Gervaise, and the vessels are looking all ways at once. Most of us are clearing hawse, for there are more round turns in our cables, than I remember ever to have seen in so short a time." "That comes of there being no wind, and the uselessness of the stay-sails and spankers. What has brought you ashore?

How much more so must they have been when, from the uncleanly habits of the Indians, they were the common receptacle of all kinds of filth, and were constantly stirred up to their very bottoms by the setting-poles of the navigators? The system of canalling is a system of slack-water navigation, but abhors stagnant water. We come next to the question of the dimensions of these street canals.

At the end of a month things were looking bad. Harry had besieged the New York headquarters of the Columbus River Slack-water Navigation Company with demands, then commands, and finally appeals, but to no purpose; the appropriation did not come; the letters were not even answered. The workmen were clamorous, now. The Colonel and Harry retired to consult. "What's to be done?" said the Colonel.

I saw at once where I was, and how I got there: that the tide had turned while I was swimming, and with a much briefer interval of slack-water than I had been led to suppose, that I had been swept a good way down-stream, and was far beyond all possibility of regaining the point I had left.

Whatever may have been the language of Harry's letter to the Colonel, the information it conveyed was condensed or expanded, one or the other, from the following episode of his visit to New York: He called, with official importance in his mien, at No. Wall street, where a great gilt sign betokened the presence of the head-quarters of the "Columbus River Slack-Water Navigation Company."

Here we used to remain until nearly time for slack-water again, when we weighed and made for home. We never set out upon this expedition without a steady side wind for going and coming one that we felt sure would not fail us before our return and we seldom made a mis-calculation upon this point.

They are prone to habits, they frequent reading-rooms, insurance-offices, they walk the same streets at the same hours, so that one becomes familiar with their faces and persons, as a part of the street-furniture. There is one curious circumstance, that all city-people must have noticed, which is often illustrated in our experience of the slack-water gentry.

They are prone to habits, to frequent reading-rooms, insurance-offices, to walk the same streets at the same hours, so that one becomes familiar with their faces and persons, as a part of the street-furniture. There is one curious circumstance, that all city-people must have noticed, which is often illustrated in our experience of the slack-water gentry.

This slack-water period of a race, which comes before the rapid ebb of its prosperity, is familiar to all who live in cities. There are no more quiet, inoffensive people than these children of rich families, just above the necessity of active employment, yet not in a condition to place their own children advantageously, if they happen to have families. Many of them are content to live unmarried.

The interval of slack-water never exceeded a quarter of an hour, and the western stream begins 0 hours 30 minutes after low-water at springs, and 0 hours 50 minutes after it at neaps; whilst the eastern begins 0 hours 40 minutes after high-water at springs, and 0 hours 10 minutes before it at neaps.