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"He may be a coward, but if he raises your salary, it would be best for you to make no fuss, but accept it. One is apt to get grouchy when young, but will always repent when he is grown up and thinks that it was pity he hadn't been a little more patient. Take an old woman's advice for once, and if Red Shirt-san says he will raise your salary, just take it with thanks."

Hotta-san couldn't do anything and returned. Since then they say Red Shirt-san and Hotta-san are on bad terms." "You do know many things, I should say. How did you get such details? I'm much impressed." "The town is so small that I can know everything." Yes, everything seems to be known more than one cares. Judging by her way, this woman probably knows about my tempura and dango affairs.

"So Hotta-san a friend of Koga-san, felt sorry for him and went to the head teacher to remonstrate with him. But Red Shirt-san said that he had no intention of taking away anybody who is promised to another. He may get married if the engagement is broken, he said, but at present he was only being acquainted with the Toyamas and he saw nothing wrong in his visiting the Toyamas.

"The head-teacher proposed marriage through a go-between, but the Toyamas could not give a definite answer at once on account of their relations with the Kogas. They replied that they would consider the matter or something like that. Then Red Shirt-san worked up some ways and started visiting the Toyamas and has finally won the heart of the Miss.

Red Shirt-san is bad, but so is Miss Toyama; they all talk bad of them. She had agreed to be married to Professor Koga and changed her mind because a Bachelor of Arts began courting her, why, that would be an offense to the God of To-day." "Of course. Not only of To-day but also of tomorrow and the day after; in fact, of time without end."

"Of Red Shirt and Porcupine, which is a better fellow?" "What is Porcupine, Sir?" "Porcupine means Hotta." "Well, Hotta-san is physically strong, as strength goes, but Red Shirt-san is a Bachelor of Arts and has more ability. And Red Shirt-san is more gentle, as gentleness goes, but Hotta-san is more popular among the students." "After all, which is better?"