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All of you have hunted the 'coon and 'possum at night, and you should know how to step without making noise." Shattuck advanced with certainty, and the others, true to their training, came behind him in single file, and without noise.

Representative S. O. Shattuck introduced the first resolution to strike out the word "male" from the State constitution, with instructions from the women to substitute a School or Municipal suffrage bill if a favorable report was more likely to result.

So Jessie fell back upon Paul Shattuck, and, to tell the truth, we had some warm discussions on the subject. Time passed on, and it was June. One lovely afternoon, we had quite a frolic with the hay, the grass having been cut on the lawn in front of the house. Miss Agnes had been with us.

The Shays Rebellion was beneficial to Massachusetts, and it contributed to the argument in favor of the Constitution of the United States. The town of Groton continued in the control of Shattuck and his friends for many years after the suppression of the Rebellion. During that period he was drawn as a juror. When his name was called the judge repeated it, and said, "Job Shattuck!

They got famous names, some of them surfboat crews," reflectively. "There was William Chadwick Bill Shattuck he goes by his crew was known from Sandy Hook to Hatteras. There's one of them now: he can tell you about it better than me. Hello, Jake!"

Many names in the catalogue of these early physicians have been associated, in later periods, with the practice of the profession, among them, Boylston, Clark, Danforth, Homan, Jeffrey, Kittredge, Oliver, Peaslee, Randall, Shattuck, Thacher, Wellington, Williams, Woodward.

"I never can get used to a woman reading that stuff and in French, at that. If you took it up to perfect your German there would be some sense in it." Mrs. Shattuck did not reply. When a moment later, she did speak it was to ignore his remark utterly, and ask: "The Kaiser Wilhelm got off in good season this morning speaking of German things?"

Bancroft that I continued my studies in Latin. In 1835, he had finished his professional studies with Dr. Shattuck, of Boston, then an eminent physician. Dr. Shattuck had studied his profession with Dr. Amos Bancroft, the father of Amos B. Dr.

Just how rough it was likely to be, Graves realized when he emerged from the station to board the Shattuck buggy. "Pete" himself had driven the equipage over from the livery stable. "I wouldn't do this for anybody but you, Cap'n," he vouchsafed, in what might be called a reproachful shout. Shouting was necessary, owing to the noise of the storm.

"How absurd, Naomi, when you see the whole procession of men walking, according to their dispositions calmly or eagerly to their fate every day." "Nevertheless, I think the pre-nuptial confessions of a majority of men of our class, would prove that what I say is true." "Are you hinting that it was true in your case?" "Perhaps." Shattuck gave an amused laugh.